Chapter Twenty-seven

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I'm looking through all of Cage's cupboards for stuff to make dinner but am coming up empty. Even the fridge is basically empty, except for the few microwave frozen dinners in the freezer. I'm standing here frozen just staring at them not saying a word. I must have been quiet for a lot longer than I thought cause Cage sounds worried.

"You okay Sugar?"

I just give him a look like no I am not okay, though he doesn't seem to know what's wrong.

As some who loves to cook and bake, there is nothing more painful than seeing a kitchen empty and freezer full of frozen dinners, microwave ones at that. When Noah first moved to town he lived off frozen dinners or going out to eat cause he couldn't cook to save his life. I wasn't having that though so I made him dinners that he can freeze and just take out and cook in the OVEN when he was hungry. Also in my free time, I taught him how to cook he's gotten wat better at it.

"Mom hates frozen dinners, especially the microwave ones," Knox explains to his clueless father.

"What's wrong with them?"

Kohl and I both cringe at the question, the twins having heard me say what's wrong with them more than once over the years.

I slam the freezer door shut, probably more dramatic than need be, and narrow my eyes at Cage. I see Xavier and Rett step back further away from me, thinking I'm about to act hysterical.

"What isn't wrong with them? Bunch of added chemicals that aren't healthy for you. Not only that they have no nutritional value at all considering it's all extremely cheap ingredients that go into them. It's like ramen noodles, the cheap kind you can get a package of for like a dollar. They make you think you got full because they expanded in your stomach but an hour later you're more than likely hungry again." I sigh, placing a hand on my forehead in frustration. "Let's go we're going to the store to get real food."

"Yes ma'am," they all agree, more than likely afraid I might snap at them if they don't.

At this point it's possible.

The only processed food I allow the twins to eat is ice cream and all of the stuff that we put on our ice cream during the sundae war. If there's something they want I either make it for them or learn to make it. If I can't then I will admit defeat and just buy it for them.

I may have panicked a bit when pregnant and read up on a bunch of food, learning what's healthy and what's not. I even made their baby food before they got teeth.

Twenty minutes later we're walking into the grocery store.

We aren't in here long when I start to regret not coming here by myself. Anything any of the guys grab and go to stick it the cart I smack their hands.

"No put that back we're not getting it," I tell Xavier when he shows up with fruit roll-ups.

"But I want it," He gives me a pour thinking that will change my mind.

It won't.

At one point I was even surrounded by all five of them, with them begging to get something.

"Tell me how I went from two kids to five all within an hour time frame?" I mumble to myself.

I swear Knox and Kohl who are seven behave way better than three grown-ass adults who are between the ages of twenty-four and twenty-five.

I push the cart through an aisle to get the flour to make pie crust for the chicken pot pie I'm going to be making. Ignoring all five of the children hoping they will get the hint and stop asking me if we can get the food they're holding. Once I have everything for the pie crust I go to the vegetables grabbing carrots, potatoes, corn, and celery.

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