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Ryan's P.O.V

Waking up when Mitch's alarm went off I rolled over and looked it was 4 in the morning. Forgetting that the boys had a practice at the ass crack of dawn I closed my eyes again. Feeling the bed dip down a little while later I felt Mitch's lips on my forehead.

"sleep well, i'll see you later baby"

Hearing the door close behind him I willed myself to go back to sleep. With no such luck I got out of bed and went to take a shower. I figured I should get ready for the day. I could always have a nap when Mitch got back from the rink later.

Pulling on some jeans and a shirt I grabbed a jacket, my laptop and a book then went to find the nearest coffee shop. It didn't take me long to find a cute little one on the corner of one of the streets. My only problem was finding my way back to the apartment.

Hopefully I could sit here long enough that Mitch's practice would be over and I could just ask him for his address again.

Ordering a medium hot chocolate with whip I sat down and pulled out my laptop. I started looking at schools to apply for here. Honestly I have no idea where to start, go figure though that I hadn't thought about what to do with my future because I was helping Mitch with his.

I wouldn't change anything for the world but I just wish I had taken a second to think about what I wanted to do. Quickly searching up what you could do on a NHL team for behind the scenes. I was coming up short the only things that kept popping up were coach, manager, player.

Drinking my hot chocolate I looked out the window and saw a group of people walking down the street taking photos. I pulled my phone out and pulled up the Maple Leafs socials. Snooping around on them I figured they would have someone manage the pages. There's no way they would let the boys run the tiktok. Could you imagine?

Doing a little more research I landed on doing a digital media and management course just to get my feet in the door. I could go from there if it wasn't what I wanted to do.

A while later I got a text from Mitch asking where I was. I looked at the time on my phone, I had spent almost 3 hours in the shop. Gathering my things and leaving I texted back asking his address.

*incoming call*

"Where are you?"

"well hello to you to"

"i'm sorry, hello. Where are you?" Mitch laughed.

"I went to a little coffee shop and now I can't remember how to get back to the apartment"

I could just hear Mitch laughing at me on the other end.

"I'll drop my pin for you, i'll see you in a few minutes. I know exactly where you ended up"

"ok see you soon"

Hanging up the call I looked at my phone there was the pin from Mitch. Sure enough I was about 5 minutes away from the apartment. I really should have left a trail for myself. How silly that I got lost walking down the block.

A few minutes later I got into the apartment and threw myself on the couch after dropping my things by the door.

"Tough getting lost hey?" Mitch came over to me.

"yeah tell me about it" I looked up at him. "I thought I knew exactly where I was but turns out I didn't"

"Toronto will do that to you. We can take a tour one day, get your roots into the city"

Helping me up he put his hand on the side of my face and just looked at me. Smiling at him I looked into his wondering eyes.

"what is it?" I asked.

"just admiring how stunning you are"

"Mitchell Marner you're making me blush" I put my hand over his.

Leaning into kiss me I smiled into the kiss and pulled back just looking at him.

"I love you" he smiled.

"I love you too"

Finally pulling apart from each other I grabbed my things from the door and put them away where they belonged.

"did you get any farther on school?" Mitch called from the kitchen.

"I think so yeah, I figured out what I want to do just a matter of what school now. Can you find out if you have any open spots on your team for social media manager?" I called back.

"yeah i'll check it out when we play on Saturday, just remind me"

"ok thanks!" I walked around the corner with my sweat pants and shirt on.

"any ideas for dinner?" Mitch grabbed my hand.

"nothing that i've been thinking about, what about you?"

"I was thinking of maybe taking you out tonight? Show you the city at night?"

"that sounds really nice. I would love that!"

I realized that would mean I would have to get changed again. I didn't mind because that meant a night out with my favourite guy.

My Allstar 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant