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Mitch's P.O.V

Hearing my alarm go off at 4am I tried to get to it quickly as to not wake Ryan. No such luck though I could see her moving a little. Getting off the bed and pulling my clothes on I leaned down and kissed her on the forehead before heading out of the bedroom.

Walking down the hallway and towards the front door I tried not to trip over anything on the floor. Auston and Will sure know how to leave a mess behind after hanging out.

Grabbing my things I opened the front door and shut it behind me. Making my way towards the elevators I was happy there was no one awake at this hour. Getting into the elevator I went down to the parkade to get into my vehicle and drive down to the rink.

"Mitch! Wrong way dude" Mo laughed from behind me.

Stopping hard at the blue line and cutting back I shook my head as coach yelled again for one of us messing up the drill. I was so distracted this morning and I couldn't clear my head and focus.

"do we need to stop for the day? or will you boys pay attention?" coach yelled.

Everyone grumbled at the same time about focusing up and finishing practice today.

Taking my gear off quickly non of the boys had anything to say to each other. Clearly our heads weren't in the practice today and we could all tell.

Getting up and leaving my things behind I said bye to the boys and walked out of the room. Sauntering down the hallway I ran into coach.

"Mitch, where was your head today?" he pulled me aside.

"Not on the ice, I don't know what I was thinking but it wasn't hockey" I sighed.

"that's ok buddy, bring your A game for tomorrow night. yeah?"


Walking away and into the parking I unlocked my vehicle and got in. Sitting for a minute before starting it up and driving away. I couldn't shake the bad feeling from practice this morning. Fingers crossed tomorrow night would be better at the game.

Pulling into the parkade and shutting the car off I got into the elevator and went up to our floor. Heading to the door I unlocked it and called out for Ryan.

"Ryan, i'm back"

There was no reply. Going to the fridge I pulled out a water and downed it. Texting Ryan and asking where she was I sat down at the table and waited for the reply.

She had ended up at a little cafe down the street and couldn't find her way back to the apartment. Laughing to myself I texted her the address. Calling her to see where she had ended up I heard her pick up.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"well hello to you to" she giggled.

"i'm sorry, hello. Where are you?" I smiled to myself.

"I went to a little coffee shop and now I can't remember how to get back to the apartment"

I couldn't help but laugh at her. She was so cute and of course she would get lost on her way back to the apartment.

"I'll drop my pin for you, i'll see you in a few minutes. I know exactly where you ended up" I smiled.

"ok see you soon"

As the call ended I walked down the hall to take my hoodie off. Hearing the front door open I watched as Ryan dropped her things by the door and flopped onto the couch.

"Tough getting lost hey?" I walked over to her.

"yeah tell me about it" she looked up at me. "I thought I knew exactly where I was but turns out I didn't"

"Toronto will do that to you. We can take a tour one day, get your roots into the city"

Helping her up I put my hand on the side of her face and just looked. I watched as she smiled and looked into my eyes.

"what is it?" she asked.

"just admiring how stunning you are"

"Mitchell Marner you're making me blush" she put her hand over mine.

Leaning into kiss me I smiled into the kiss and pulled back just looking at her.

"I love you" I smiled.

"I love you too"

Pulling back from each other she wandered over to the front door and grabbed her things. Heading down the hall she put them back where they belonged.

"did you get any farther on school?" I called out to her.

"I think so yeah, I figured out what I want to do just a matter of what school now. Can you find out if you have any open spots on your team for social media manager?" she called back.

"yeah i'll check it out when we play on Saturday, just remind me"

"ok thanks!" I walked around the corner with my sweat pants and shirt on.

"any ideas for dinner?" I grabbed her hand.

"nothing that i've been thinking about, what about you?"

"I was thinking of maybe taking you out tonight? Show you the city at night?"

"that sounds really nice. I would love that!"

Smiling over to her I watched her look up and down at herself. I knew she was thinking about when she would have to change.

"don't worry! We will have time to figure things out. No rush on getting ready" I smiled.

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