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Mitch's P.O.V

Getting home from our night out I showered and got changed and jumped into bed. Ryan was goofing around on her phone sending vlogs on snapchat to Lexi.

I was happy her friends were coming down with the boys and she would be able to see them. I didn't know she was missing her family that much, I should have figured though.

"Hey!" I looked over and she was on a phone call.

"shoot for real?" her eyes widened.

"ok ok tomorrow?" her face fell a little.

"alright thanks"

Hanging up she set her phone down and turned slowly to look at me.

"What's up pretty?" I tucked some hair behind her ear.

"that was my brother, he said my parents are coming to town on Friday. I need to be home because Leon doesn't want them to know that he shipped me off with you" Ryan sighed.

"well that's alright, you can go down and hang with them! You can see your brother and his team mates." I smiled.

Trying to reassure her that this was a good thing.

"but what about you?"

"don't worry about me babe. You know i'll be fine!" I smiled.

Watching her face scrunch up a little I could tell she didn't believe me.

"I don't want to leave you" she whispered.

I watched her lip quiver and quickly pulled her into me. Rubbing her back gently I just tried my best to console her.

"you're not leaving me, technically! It would probably just be for a few weeks anyways" I brushed her hair out of her face as she pulled away from me.

"that's a long time. but I guess we could figure it out." she smiled slightly.

"and you don't have to worry about anything Ryan. We all know the stupid thing that happened last year won't ever happen again."

"oh trust me i'm not worried about that. I trust you and I know it was her and not you"

Pulling her into me again I felt her relax.

"you know what?" she looked up at me.

"what?" I smiled.

"I really do enjoy being able to live together"

"after a whole year of me living down here by myself it's really refreshing to have you with me" I smiled at her.

Pulling her closer into me I felt her snuggle up.

"i'm going to close my eyes now, I love you" Ryan yawned.

"goodnight pretty lady, I love you too" Kissing her head I turned off the bedside lamp.

Laying myself down on the bed I pulled her back into me and shut my eyes.

"ok I have all my gear packed. the tickets are on the fridge for you and your buddies. Just tell them to get dropped off down the street from here ok?" I looked over at Ryan sitting at the kitchen table.

"uh huh, sounds good to me" she was focusing on something on the laptop.

"what are you looking at?" I parked myself behind her and leaned my head on the top of hers.

"looking at school, it's stressing me out though" she looked up a little.

"don't let it stress you, just take a break from looking enjoy your friends. I have to run but i'll see you later!" Kissing her I was out the door.

Ryan's P.O.V

Before I was able to tear my eyes away from the screen Mitch was out the door. Sighing I knew he was right and I should take a break. Getting off the chair I closed the laptop and went to put it away.

Pulling out my phone after getting my outfit ready I texted Lexi and Lauren telling them to get dropped off down the street and I would let them in. It was around 4pm so I figured they would be here relatively soon.

Lexi - girlfriend we're here! Just getting the uber to your place.

Ryan - sounds good, i'll send you the address Mitch says to get dropped off down the street.

Lexi - you got it!

Plugging in my curling wand I waited for it to heat up. I was hoping I could get all this done before the girls showed up.

Grabbing my eyelash curler, mascara, blush, and eyebrow pencil I started on my makeup. Feeling my phone buzz I looked and Lexi texted they were here.

Heading downstairs I went to open the lobby door for the two of them.

"Ryan!" They both yelled and set their bags down so they could give me a hug.

"Lexi, Laur! How are you guys?" I smiled letting go of them.

"We're so good, we've missed you though!" Lauren gave me a sad look.

"i've missed you guys too. it's been way to long!"

Taking them up to the apartment they set their things down and sat on the couches.

"i'm just running to do my hair y'all can come with me if you want" I walked down the hallway.

"Ry" I heard Lexi call out behind me.

"hey!" I grabbed her hand and pulled her down the hallway with me.

"I missed you so much, it's wild without you home!"

"ok so two things! First thing i've only been down here with Mitch for around a month. Next thing, I have to come down back to Edmonton because my parents are flying out on Friday to come visit me and Leon."

"oh wow! ok, so you're coming home. How long will you be back for?" I could see her holding back a smile.

"girl you can smile! I don't care. i'm excited to come back and see everyone! i'll miss Mitch though. i'm thinking i'll be back for a couple of weeks. I don't even know how long they'll be here for."

"makes sense to me! I'm excited, I can't wait actually"

"yeah! the more I think about it the more okay I am with having to come home for a few weeks!"

"I hear someone's coming home!" Lauren popped her head into the bathroom.

"come sit girlfriend, we're chatting about that now!" Lexi patted the spot next to her on the stool.

"ok ok so what are the plans?" Lauren smiled.

"both of you are so goofy with your smiling about this" I laughed.

"We're sorry! We just miss you so much and can't wait to have you home again!" Lexi said.

"I know I know!" I shut off the iron and fluffed my hair a little pulling apart some of the curls.

"ready to go?" Lexi stood up.

"it's 5, yeah!" I pulled on Mitch's jersey and grabbed my boots.

Letting the girls out ahead of me I shut the door and locked it behind us. Checking the tickets were in my purse we were ready to go! 

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