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Ryan's P.O.V

"no rush on getting ready" Mitch smiled at me.

Smiling back I loved that he knew exactly what I was thinking just by a certain look.

Sitting myself back down on the couch I looked up at Mitch who was switching the channels from above me until he landed on sports net.

"Miss plays of the month?" I asked.

"yeah, I want to see if any of my team mates are on here so I can bug them about it tomorrow night!"

Watching as his face scrunched a little I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking about. I knew his mind was stuck on something he was always pretty chatty after practice but not today.

"here come sit" I patted the spot next to me on the couch.

Mitch jumped over the back and sunk in next to me. Putting his arm around me I snuggled into his side. Looking up at him, he was fixated on the TV.

"what's on your mind my beautiful boy?" I put my hand on his chin and lightly guided his face to look at mine.

"We play the Oilers tomorrow night" he sighed.

Waiting patiently for him to continue speaking I just took all his features in.

"I still don't like the last time we played them and your brother came after me"

"hey don't worry about that goof! You're in luck because he won't be playing. He's got a busted ankle" I smiled.

"you're smiling about that?"

"oh yeah! My brother messing up his ankle before he plays you guys is just icing on the cake honestly"

"Ryan the things that make you smile and happy are so very interesting" he leaned down and kissed me.

"that's why we hangout though"

"date!" he interrupted.

"ok ok date!" I laughed. "speaking of dates" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"oh thats right, we could go to harbour 60? I really enjoy their food!" Mitch watched my face carefully.

"that sounds good to me! You are my tour guide after all"

"ok true, i'll call and make a reservation. What time do you want to eat?"

"we could do 5:30? Then we still have time to sight see after!"

"I like the way you think pretty lady, i'm on it!"

Getting off the couch together Mitch went to make the reservation and I went into the bathroom to start getting ready. It was only around noon but I figured by the time we actually both started to get ready we would have to rush.

Putting one of my playlists on Shawn Mendes popped up. Singing along while washing my face I heard a little knock on the door.

"you can come in!"

Watching the door open and Mitch walk in he started getting ready as well. Didn't I tell you guys this would happen. Laughing to myself I rinsed my cleanser off my face and patted it dry. Adding a little bit of foundation, blush, and mascara my face was pretty much good to go.

Plugging in my straightener I sat on the stool in the corner of the bathroom and waited for it to heat up. Pulling out my phone I saw I had a text from Lexi.

Lexi - I'm coming down with Lauren, i'll see you tomorrow night 😘

"Hey babe, did you know Lauren and Lex are coming to the game tomorrow night?" I asked.

"I didn't, that's exciting. Ask Lexi if they have tickets and if not i'll see if I can get three together"

"sounds good i'll ask right now"

Ryan - Mitch wants to know if you guys have tickets yet or not?

Lexi - not yet, we were actually going to ask you about that 🙃

Ryan - don't worry we got it covered! I'll see you girlies tomorrow. Can't wait 🥰

"they don't have tickets" I looked up from my phone.

"alright, i'll see what I can do for you three!"

"thank you I owe you one" I hugged him from behind while he was combing his hair.

Letting go I grabbed my straightener and started doing my hair. Deciding on cute little beach waves it didn't take to long to.

Sitting on the bed I sighed loudly.

"what's up baby?" Mitch poked his head out the door.

"I don't know what to wear?"

"I really always love that little black dress on you, did you bring it?"

"hmm i'll look!"

Digging through my side of our little closet I found the dress that Mitch liked and put it on. Twirling in the mirror I was excited with how I was looking.

"shoes?" I asked watching as he buttoned up his top.

"the little ballerina flats?"

"I know exactly the ones you're talking about!" Heading to the front door I got the shoes on.

Slipping hoops into my ears I was ready to go.

"ready beautiful boy?" I called.

"ready stunning lady!"

Smiling at our goofy nicknames for each other we interlocked hands and we're out the door set on our night living large in the six.

Walking a little ways from the apartment we finally made it to our dinner destination. I was excited to try a new restaurant. Was I going to be adventurous with my food choice probably not.

"Anything you want to eat you get it ok? Don't worry about the price" Mitch told me while pouring the wine.

"you're way to generous" I smiled and handed him my glass.

Ordering our food I couldn't help but notice we both tried to pick something on the cheaper side.

"Want to go to a little cafe after this?" he asked me while we were waiting.

"that sounds great!"

"and then maybe tomorrow we can get up a little early and check out the CN tower?"

"I would love that honestly!"

Watching as our food arrived at the table we both dove right in. Finishing the amazing food in record time we got the bill and packed up onto our next adventure.

"Can I tell you something?" I grabbed Mitch's hand while we walked.

"of course! you know you can tell me anything"

"I think it'll be nice to see my brother and his team mates tomorrow. but once they leave again i'm going to be sad, I don't like only seeing them for such a short time"

"you can fly down to them if you want? Spend a couple days and then come back?  We play them next week in Edmonton anyways. We can make a plan!"

"sounds good to me"

Stopping at a little ice cream shop down Adelaide street we both got ours in a cup.

I'm honestly the worst at eating anything out of a cone! Ice cream, pasta. You name it and i'm bad at it.

After we had finished our ice cream we continued walking until we made it back to the apartment. Heading upstairs and inside we went to bed for the night, ready for our adventure tomorrow and game day.

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