Chapter Six: Selby

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Blinding headlights shine further along the bridge, the dull rumble of an engine echoing through the empty air. Zemo, for a final time, runs through our roles. "Sam, The Smiling Tiger, he is not a man to be messed with and you need to keep that mindset all night or we will get found out. James, you are The Winter Soldier, you are there only to obey my every command and stay silent unless invited to speak. Y/n, you are my- How do you Americans say it? 'Arm-candy'. You need to look pretty, give a few guys your American fuck-me-eyes if you'd like, but stay attached to my side and do as I ask. Having you look harmless and submissive will give us a valuable upper hand if things go wrong. You have your dagger in your thigh holster and there's a 9mm hidden in the coat if you need it. If I remember correctly, knife fighting is more of your thing but nevertheless, you're still good with a gun so it's there. Is everyone clear on that?" We all nod and Zemo takes a breath before opening the backseat door for me to sit in the middle between Sam and Bucky. The driver tells us that the journey will take around an hour and after only five minutes I feel my eyes begin to feel heavy and my head thud against something firm.

My eyes flicker open at a particularly sharp right turn and when they begin to come into focus, I look up, coming face to face with Bucky who strokes my hair out of my face gently. "Welcome back to the land of the living, doll. You were out for about twenty minutes. Sleepless night?" He speaks in a hushed tone so as not to wake Sam who had also fallen asleep after me. I groan and sit up straight, stretching as much as I can in the limited space. "Sleepless nights" I correct, laying my head back on his shoulder with a sigh "I'll be okay in a few minutes". Zemo shifts in his seat, turning to face me. "Would you like to sit upfront for a bit?" he asks but I shake my head "No I'm okay but thank you. It's pretty warm between these two bags of muscle so I'm okay" I smile, poking Bucky's bicep. City lights illuminate the damp streets as beggars stumble along the cobbles. Passers-by peer in through car windows, testing handles and feeling for open windows. The shameless criminality of the city has me longing more than ever for the warmth of my Berlin apartment or the comfort of mine and Pietro's old room at The Avengers' old tower.

After the battle of Sokovia, I never could bring myself to step foot in the room again, choosing instead to lock myself away in Steve's room, drenching each and every pillow and every shirt he owned with my tears. He never once complained or pushed me away. Pietro and I's love may have been short-lived but it was filled with an unexplainable passion and watching helplessly as he bled out on the ground while Steve was dragging me away from him is a level of pain I could never wish on anybody. A burning guilt rises in my stomach but I quash it, staring straight ahead. I never thought I'd live to miss the old man, always thought I'd be dead by 25 and he'd go on to live an even longer and happier life with Bucky at his side. But that wasn't how it worked out. And now everyone I ever loved is either dead or MIA. I feel Bucky shift slightly beneath my cheek and sigh. Almost everyone.

The car pulls up in front of a grimy-looking bar and Zemo steps out, opening the door for Bucky and I, reaching a hand out to help me from the seat. Sam follows soon after, huffing and puffing about how he had to open his own door. "Stay close" Zemo whispers against my ear as we follow a crowd inside. Silence falls upon the inhabitants as we step inside, eyes all around the room desperately trying to decide who to fall upon. Many settle on me. As we approach the worn down bar, a flicker of recognition crosses behind the bar man's eyes and he reaches for a snake that sits in a glass jar behind him. He lays the poor creature on its back and slices down its stomach. I gasp, turning my head away dramatically and playing up the defencelessness of my role to the best of my ability. I keep my head turned as the man continues, my eyes meeting those of someone across the room from me who licks his lips. Creepy. I swallow down my grimace and paint my fakest smile across my face, winking at him before I feel Zemo's large hands grab my hip with a possessiveness that seems far too real to just be acting. I snap my head back forward like an obedient fiancé would and look up at him with a pretend pout for ruining my pretend fun. He lowers his head so his lips are right against my ear. "Some of the guys are looking at you a bit too hungrily and others look like they're starting to not believe so act like I'm threatening you" he whispers and I oblige, faking a light flinch and tensing up slightly "Now, I'm going to place my hand here..." His hand slowly travels down to my ass, remaining there. "Is that okay?" I nod ever so slightly and take a breath, the room starting to feel like it's spinning.

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