Chapter Eleven: Homicidal Group Therapy

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I sit on the steps, lost in my own thoughts with a cigarette I'd been offered by a passer-by between my lips, the smoke unfamiliar but warming me. I don't smoke but one time can't hurt anything. I've been sitting for around fifteen minutes by the time Sam comes out to get me, seeing the cigarette and removing it from me, stamping it under his foot as I sigh. "Your workers are finished" he teases, helping me to my feet "I'm gonna go for a wander around the city while you three have your very fun little chat. Call me when you're done or if you need my help preventing a homicide" he laughs, hugging me quickly before making a hasty exit. I can't blame him, though, if I could leave too I would but I know I need to just get it over with. I take a few grounding breaths before walking back inside. "Right. Sit. Time to talk." I gesture to one of the couches and the two oblige with great displeasure. I sit on the table in front of them, cross-legged. "Okay so," I start, pulling a stone I'd grabbed from outside out of my pocket. "This is the turn taking stone. Since you are both acting like 5 year olds, we're going to use it. Whoever is holding the stone may talk. If you are not holding it, you cannot. Understand?" The two reluctantly agree and I place the stone in front of me. "Okay, I'll go first. Helmut, what I did was inexcusable and I am so sorry. I took the trust and love you put into me and threw it back in your face and for that I will never forgive myself. I meant what I said. I do love you. So much. But I love Bucky too and I would never want you to feel as though you had to compete with him. I don't expect you to forgive me but I hope you know how much I truly love you and how much I cherish the year we've spent together, learning about one another. And Bucky, I'm sorry for any mixed signals I sent your way. I'm sorry that we kissed and that I let it happen again when I should have been focussing on working around my feelings. But I'm not going to try to pick between you because that wouldn't be fair on the other as I hold both of you with so much love in my heart." I let my words sink in before I hand the stone to Zemo.

"This stone thing is highly unnecessary but I'll allow it." He begins, crossing a leg over the other. "Uh, y/n, I guess I'll start with you. A large part of me wishes to hate you and what you did to me. The me that lived before I met you wishes to pierce your heart with your own dagger. But that's not me. When we returned and I saw you so torn up it's like a switch flipped in my mind. The same one that seems to flip each and every time I need to care for and protect you. I know you are perfectly capable and I mean no offence in saying this but I do truly live only to care for you. You have been the light in my darkness for years upon years and nothing could ever damage that. Not even metal man, over here. What I said before came from a place of anger and betrayal but I do love you, too. And if the three of us are to fix this and have it work for each of us then there needs to be boundaries and honesty and trust." He passes the stone along to Bucky who smirks mischievously "Didn't know you were in to that, big guy" He laughs, only to be tapped rather roughly on the knee by my foot. "Okay, ow, I'm doing it. Uhh, Zemo I'm sorry I got too far into your relationship with y/n but I guess I'd be willing to at least try whatever this is. And y/n, I'm sorry for everything. I'm not the greatest at the whole talking thing though." He hands the stone back to me and I stare at it for a few seconds before putting it back in my pocket. "That worked better than I would have expected. But are you both genuinely serious? I thought neither of you liked to share" I say, in disbelief. "Well some things are worth sharing. Not that you're an object or anything." he adds the last half rather abruptly. "Nice save. Right, Helmut, you wanted to talk boundaries, the floor is yours" He nods and clears his throat. "First of all, only I am to buy you pretty and expensive dresses and things. Odd boundary, I know but I just don't like the idea of other men buying you such things. Second of all, we don't lie about anything that goes on with the other party. Third of all, I never have to sleep with, or anywhere around metal man" He says, Bucky looking over at him with mock offence. "No worries, you won't have to sleep anywhere near me. But I want to lay some boundaries too. Zemo, if you hurt her I'll have you thrown back in prison so fast. If one of us does something either of the others aren't comfortable with, it needs to be pointed out and dealt with, not just left to stew" He shrugs, not saying anything further. "Okay, my turn. If I spend time with one of you, the other cannot get mad and act out because of jealousy or it throws the whole balance off. If I'm with one of you and the other needs me, come ask and I'll come as long as I'm not midway through something important. Don't try to kill each other is my final point." I point between the two for my last sentence before standing and reaching for my phone, texting Sam to tell him it's safe to come back now.

Bucky reaches his flesh hand out to Zemo who shakes it firmly. "Sorry about the glass" he mumbles and Zemo softly smiles "It's fine, there are many of them in still in the cupboard" he says before standing and walking up to kiss the side of my head "I missed you, my dear" he whispers into my hair before going to get ready for the funeral. Bucky walks to me once he leaves, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, "Who knew daddy would learn to share?" he teases. "Ew. Get off me" I laugh, playfully struggling against him before turning to face him, placing a sweet kiss on his lips "You smell good" he says, placing his nose in the crook of his neck. "Ummm...that's a creepy thing to say, lovey" I laugh again, rubbing his back and feeling his metal arm tighten around my waist possessively when Sam enters. "Hey, Sam. Your boyfriend's trying to crush my ribs" I say, turning my head to face the man. He attempts to throw a cushion at me but Bucky catches it, finally letting go and allowing me to make my escape, sprinting off and crashing directly into Zemo, him catching my forearms and looking down at me in slight concern as I fold over in hysterics. "Bucky, you had her for literally two minutes and you've broken her" He calls into the sitting room.

Sam drags me aside when the other two go off to change the ammo in our weaponry, his brow raised. "How in the fuck did you manage to tame two serial killers in literally five minutes. Are you a wizard, woman?" I shake my head and pull the rock from my pocket. "You'd be surprised what having an ass like mine, the talking rock and the power of raw sexual allure can do when you put them all together" I wink and it's his turn to cringe before allowing his face to settle into an expression slightly more serious. "Just be careful, please" he rubs my arm gently and I nod "I will be. I promise." he nods and wraps his arms around my shoulder. "Hmm Bucky was right, you do smell really good" he sniffs my neck and I give a confused look to him "I haven't done anything different. I don't get what you guys are smelling." He inhales deeply "Mmm, lavender"

As we begin to walk down the cobbles to reach Zemo's 'contact' a familiar shield flashes up ahead. "Nope" I say and turn to go in the opposite direction only to have Zemo grab the fur collar of his coat that I am still wearing, pulling me back to the group. I groan dramatically and hide myself slightly behind Bucky as we approach them. I hum to myself in hopes that I won't be noticed by them. Sadly, I can't be that lucky as John looks around Bucky instantly and calls me out by name. I slowly step out into the light and stare at him "Hmm, prettier in person, it seems. You free tonight aside from being on the run from every department of the federal government?" He asks, reaching a hand out to me. I raise an eyebrow at his hand and then back up at his face "Sorry, honey. Maybe get your body count up a bit and I'll think about it" I smile at him, taking Bucky's metal hand into one hand and then Zemo's hand into my other. He chuckles at that with a definite bitterness "Shame these two have their claws in you, little lady. I could show you such a good time" At that I reach for my dagger, pointing it at his throat and beginning to march towards him spitting the words "Call me little lady again and I'll show you the worst time of your life" While Bucky reaches to drag me back and away from the Aryan bastard. John begins his spiel of threatening to drag me and Zemo to prison as I stand, seething with feminist hatred. Disgusting pig. Finally, John gets shut down when Zemo blanks him, barging through the two to reach a young girl behind them. I can overhear their exchange ever so slightly and realise that she must be the young girl Bucky had been referring to earlier. Zemo hands her a large amount of cash and she agrees to lead the way, the five of us following closely behind.

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