Chapter 17

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Okay, what on earth. I tried to type they'd, right?

Guess what it auto corrected to?




"FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! IN JUST A FEW MORE TURNS, WE'RE GOING TO BE OUT OF THIS STUPID CAVE!!!!!!!!! WE CAN SEE THE SUN AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO SEE THE SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" May yelled upon Drew telling her that in a good five minutes they'd be out.

Drew flinched as May celebrated. She just looked so happy knowing that she could see the sun again, Drew knew he just didn't have it in him to tell her that a constant rain storm hovered over the area where they'd be exiting.

"Here comes the sun! Do do do do! Here comes the sun!"

Drew felt like banging his head against the wall. As if he already didn't like the song, he and his fifth grade class was forced to dance to it for their fifth grade graduation!

"And I say... It's alright."

She giggled as she noticed his eye twitch.

"Not a fan of the Beetles?" She asked, still in her cheery, happy mood. One Drew knew was soon to be dampened by the rain.

"No, and that song even less," he bluntly told her.

"Really now?" She continued giggling as she spoke.

"Yes," he spoke uncomfortably.

"Well then, HERE COMES THE SUN, DO DO DO DO!!!!!!!!! HERE COMES THE SUN, AND I SAY... ITS ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The brunet's giggling turned into a full out laugh as Drew's hands flew to his ears and tightly gripped them against his head.

She smiled. "I'm not a huge fan of the beetles either. I just like that song."

His hands didn't move.

"I'm done singing."

No reaction.

"BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" May jumped directly in front of Drew and grabbed his wrists. Ordinarily, there would have been a struggle of May trying to pull his hands away from his head and Drew resisting just for the sake of resisting, however this wasn't quite the case.

May, having startled her friend, caught him by surprise and therefor easily won, to her delight.

"Ha! May - 1, Drew - 0," she teased.

He smirked and rolled his eyes. "And what competition of sorts did you win? Finding a person's least favorite song? Sorry to break it to you May, but that in no way involves another competitor. That's more like a personal victory, if you could even call it that," he redeemed himself.

Well, in his eyes anyway.


"Awesomely awesome at creating appeals?"


Drew just laughed it off while May pouted.

"Oh, Drew?" She asked, voice back to normal.

"Hm?" He questioned.

"Here comes the sun, do do do do..."


"You're the packer, Grasshead! You're supposed to bring ponchos or umbrellas or something," May complained as she and said Grasshead made a mad dash to the pokemon center.

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