Chapter 3

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"Oh, May...."


We stared deeply into each other's eyes.

"I love you, May."

"I love you too, Drew."

(OH MY GOSH THAT RHYMES! ...and this had been your demonstration on how to crash the mood. You're welcome.)

We both started leaning in before the ground started shaking.




I jolted awake to the sound of someone calling my name.

"Huh..." I said drowsily. "Drew? ...what are you doing... *yawn* in my room?"

He sighed. "Man, you're slow in the mornings. Then again you're always slow..."

"TAKE THAT BACK!!!!!!!!" I screeched, now fully awake. "What time is it?"

"Around six."

I shook with rage. How dare he wake me up this early in the morning!?!? "WHY YOU-"

"There's something that you probably want to see." I stood up and ran my fingers though my hair like a comb.

"Follow me."

He led me up on deck before sitting down on a bench. He motioned for me to sit next to him, and I did so.

"I still don't get what you wanted me to see."

"Just wait a moment."

After around a minute, I saw what he was talking about. The sun reflected off the aqua blue water in a breathtaking sight. I gasped.

"Told you you'd like it." I didn't respond, but continued to stare out over that peaceful waves.

"I know." He said quietly. "It's beautiful."

We sat in comfortable silence as we watched the sun take it's first peeks on the world this morning.


"June, hurry up! The boat is going to dock and leave again for Sinnoh if you don't get a move on!!!" He yelled to me.

"Well sorry that girls take longer than boys to get ready!!!!!!!" I yelled back from the bathroom where I was fixing my hair. "There. Finished."

I walked back out to find an annoyed Drew, hair fixed (somewhat), dressed, backpack on, hand on the door knob ready to go.

We walked down the ramp to the little town known as Little Route, me in a happy mood, Drew still kind of annoyed.


The sound of glass breaking and high pitched screams reached our ears.

A boy with red hair streaked away from a large building on the west side of town.

"HEY!!!!!!!! GET BACK HERE YOU THEIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed a Dark haired brunet who was obviously chasing him.

"Let's go see if everyone in the building is okay." I nodded and we ran in.

A tall skinny man probably in his thirtys and two other people (a man and a woman) were laying on the ground.

The tall one stood up to reveal that he was wearing an equally as long white lab coat.

"This red-headed boy just broke in to my lab and stole a Todidial! Thankfully the new trainer just came by and picked up a Cindiquil, but she ran off. I hope he didn't hurt her..."

"Did she have slightly longer than shoulder length dark brown hair?" I asked.

The guy nodded.

"Then the was running after him, screaming at him to stop. I think she's fine." Drew said. "We should probably see if she needs any help, though. After all, she did just get her first Pokemon."


We hadn't left town too long ago before we bumped her as she was casually strolling back. She raised an eyebrow at us. "Who the heck are you two?"

"I'm May, and the Grasshead is Drew. Did you catch up with that guy? We saw you chasing him."

She nodded. "Yup. I took him DOWN, but he ran off with that poor Todidial. Buuuuuuuuut I also saw his trainer ID, so the police can track him. I'm going to go tell Professor Elm."

Professor Elm. So that is is name.

"So I take it you're a trainer?" I asked.

"No, I wanted to take one of the Pokemon off the Professor's hands."


"OF COURSE I'M A TRAINER!!!!!!!!!!!! The name's Le, remember it because I'm going to be the next champion of Johto."

Drew and I sweatdropped. She gave us a smile.

"So I guess we're rivals?"

"Actually, Airhead and I are co-ordnaters."


She shrugged. "Suit yourselves. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go." She ran off in the direction of New Bark Town and Professer Elm's lab.

"Well... That was weird... We should probably keep an eye out for that red haired boy. What do you think, Drew? ...Drew?"

In the two seconds that I had looked away, he had already pulled out a map and had buried his face in it.

"If we keep walking... Then we should reach the intersection between Route 29 which is the one that we are currently on that leads to Cherrygrove city, and Route 46 which leads to Blackthorn City by sundown."

I tried peeking over his shoulder. "Which way should we go? I mean, where is the next contest taking place?"

He sighed. "I wouldn't have expected you look ahead of time. Well, the next contest is in Blackthorn-"

"Then it's to Blackthorn we go!!!!!!!"

"-but Route 46 has many cliffs that are nearly impossible to navigate, and a section of Dark Cave that we would need to go through, so even without the cliffs, I doubt we'd make it there on time."

"So we're going to Cherrygrove?"

"Well, we can't go the Blackthorn, so yes. We are going to Cherrygrove. Actually, the nearest town to Cherrygrove has a contest that we should be able to make it to."

"Awesome!!!" I yelled, pumping my fist into the air. "Wait. What town is that?"

Drew only face palmed.


By the way guys, Le is my friend SillySmeargle. (Not her actual name.)

Most of my real life pokemon friends will be making quick cameos, so be on the look out.

They're more like slight side characters, only appearing once or having infrequent reappearances, so if you don't like OCs, it won't be bad. Thanks! :)

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