The Dancing Bunny

409 18 12

TW: graphic violence, blood, knife, bad injuries, deep cut

The thumping noises from Freddy's feet became tiring. I had no idea where we were and I was too exhausted to ask. I never thought I would actually want to go back outside in the streets. I shifted around trying to get more comfortable in the dark area. Nothing worked.

"We're almost there Gregory, just hold on..." Freddy tried to reassure me as he could sensor my discomfort.

I don't know why he was taking me to the main lobby but I didn't care anyways.

"You doing alright?" he asked me, noticing my silence.

"Mhm," I nodded my head, trying to make him know that I was okay, even though he couldn't even see me.

"If you say so superstar," Freddy smiled walking faster.

A couple minutes went by and we approached the main lobby.

Freddy's stomach hatch opened, "Here we are!"

Instantly, I climbed out and held close to Freddy.

"Why are we here?" I asked looking up at him.

Freddy smiled, "I needed to grab one of the flashlights for you! We have the power go out every hour and I thought it would be helpful!"

"Oh okay, thanks," I smile back, thinking nothing of it.

Freddy walks over to the main storage room around the corner and grabs a flashlight. Then he hands it to me.

"Use this carefully, you will have to recharge it every now and then," he tells me seriously.

I nod my head and then look around at the many chargers all across the walls.

"Oh that reminds me! I should probably grab my FazCam for you too!" Freddy shouts.

"FazCam? What's that?" I ask confused.

Freddy awkwardly scratches his head, "Well, it can affect animatronics eyesight, so it does stun us. I don't think you won't have to use it, but just in case."

Cool. I will definitely use this on Freddy just to annoy him.

"Alrighty! But where is it!" I laugh, thinking of all the possibilities.

"It's in my room, I don't know if you should come with since I think Vanessa is scouting out that area," he spoke upsettingly, "but you can always come if you want to, you'll have to be in my stomach hatch!"

I wanted to stay with Freddy, but I had enough time in his chest cavity. I wish Vanessa wasn't there at the moment.

"Nah, I'm good, I think I'll just stay around here. But please hurry," I warned him.

Freddy began to walk away, "I'll be super fast I promise! Remember if you need me, use your Fazwatch!!!"

"I know!" I shouted and then looked around for a place to sit.

I didn't like being left alone. But I had the choice to go and I chose not to so I couldn't complain now. The silence around the pizza plex was honestly terrifying. Even though there was bright lights it just seemed so forgotten. Why did I choose to go to this place, especially now. I could be sleeping in my comfy box, I even got new newspaper to try out. Whatever. Can't do anything about it now, can I? Each minute went by the more worried I got.

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