RPRT - 2

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Jumping from Laura's voice making its way through the air. Turning around I find out that Laura is actually smaller away from the table. She's a good head size smaller than I am... surely that would be an awkward kiss...

Wait, why am I thinking bout kissing a young woman I have just met.

"Yeah... the voices and chatter were just too much and I already know Callum's story about this place - he offered for me to stay here with him, but I like my darkness and this place is 90% glass doors and windows.

"Yeah, that's true. It's sorta uncomfortable if you're on the ground floor... when Callum let me stay here for a few days to get over jet-lag I asked to stay in the room next to his on the top floor, I'd rather look down on people than them looking in on me" I smile, the woman has a very true and strong point.

"Yeah, that's why I prefer bricks walls to glass walls" She giggles, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear... she's flirting?

"Mind if I join you out here... I could do with proper fresh air?" I nod, smiling away and returning to looking out to the distance.

"I almost didn't come out tonight..." she doesn't say anything but continues to stand beside me.

"I didn't really have a choice... I still reside here...for the now anyway" Part of me wanted to ask why she was staying here but it wasn't my business.

"Well...I'm glad I did come" I turn to face her slightly, she's looking at me with a calm smile. Her eyes glisten from the city lights in the distance bouncing off her.

"Yeah?" My heart started racing, her voice, her smile, her very presence was perfectly overwhelming.

"Yeah... the company was better than expected" in terms of saying that, I do mean seeing Callum again but also meeting Laura.

"Yeah, extra company was too much. But close ones are better" I smile at her. She returns the smile and throws and bonus of burning cheeks.

It was then, I felt Callum asked me to come to this Christmas party on purpose.

"Merry Christmas btw, this year was better than the last few I've had"

"Merry Christmas to you, I didn't get much but my heart tells me I've got a lot to come" my heart won't stop beating a minute faster than normal. I could feel a change in the air, in my heart and I could tell there was a change in my head.

Even my gut felt a change.

Laura & I continued to hang out in the balcony for a bit, it was cold for us both but we didn't feel it.

"You guys okay?" We both turned, Callum stood at the double glass doors, he was leaning against the metal frame that held the glass. He held a smirk on his face.

Did he plan this?

"Yeah, I'm good, you good Laura?" She smiles and nods.

"You know me Callum, I'm always good! You're right, better things are coming my way" My mind plays with what she could've possibly meant by that...

"Told ya, didn't I?" She nods.

"I'm gonna head in, I'm in the top left room if you wanna say goodbye before leaving" I nod, I lunge forward in attempt to hug- but my instincts stop me. I've only just met her. I can't hug her.

I'm taken back when she wraps her arms around my waist cuddling into me firstly. She's very small compared to me, but she's cute and quite cuddly.

"Thanks for the company Ross!" I squeeze as gentle as I can.

"Right back at you Laura, I'll pop up shortly" She nods into my chest and heads off leaving me bewildered by the actions taken.

"You okay there buddy?" I turn my attention to my friend, the smirk on his face couldn't be bloody bigger if she tried.

"Did you plan this?" He shakes his head.

"No, I told her 'I've got a friend who's had a rough for weeks and I need to invite him over Christmas' it was during a meeting and I was asking for advice. She said she wanted to meet you... I may have showed her a few of our selfies together and she was interested in getting to know you more" it was planned.

"BUT, I did warn her you might not turn up. But when you did, I did plan where you were sitting. I needed you to see her from the get go. Sorry bro, but she's a hella nice person and incredibly sweet with everyone she meets. She's seriously got a heart the size of the universe, like you" I nod, I understand.

"I get you. But you coulda warned me about meeting her. I would've dressed better" He laughs at the comment, I flatten my face in reaction.

"Bro, I didn't want you to dress to impress. I wanted her to see you for the real you. Not the 'trying to charm the ladies and make a good impression' side of you" I was little thrown off. I was like that back in high school through college— but I work away for days on end. I don't do that anymore.

"I wanted Laura to see the true Ross Lynch for who he is. A nicely dressed, well mannered gentleman! When you left, she asked to be excused because she wanted to make sure you were okay..." she was concerned about me?

"So I let her, told myself to give you some time alone for bonding time... I hope it worked"

"Bro... I felt a change in the air as Laura & I spent time together. Like I felt my heart beat faster when I saw her inside. And then like hanging with her for a little. I saw her subtle flirting with me... it caused me to become nervous and... when she hugged me, I almost attempted to hug her first but stopped myself"

"Ross... you like Laura... and eh... she likes you too" how the heck does he know that?

"You clearly have got a lot on your mind or are very distracted... when she walked past me, going inside. She whispered that she liked you a lot"

"I gotta get home buddy" I take my phone out of my pocket. It's by 12 at night.

"Okay, I'll text you her number, and text her your number... whenever one of you grow the balls to text each other first— I'll make reservations for you both"

I'm taken back by how much Callum is hoping for things to happen.

"You know, if you want me to make things happen... for Laura & I to get together... I gotta make the plans and reservations on my own— that's a true gentleman" Callum put on a proud as fuck smile.

"Right bro! Night" I nod, walking past him.

"Night Callum"

It was then, the text came through with the number.

How long do I leave it for Laura to text me, if I wait too long, she'll think I'm not interested. If I text first, she'll think I'm over eager.

I'm very interested of course, but I for sure don't want to mess things up.

Right Place, Right Time ➡️ Raura COMING SOON THIS SUMMERWhere stories live. Discover now