06 - Hello Stranger

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Cia's Notes : Please listen to Hello stranger by Kai (Exo)

"Still in my mind" - Pran


Can't believe we are going back already. It's only been three days, but it feels like we visited a different world. It was a vacation everyone needed.

Wai was driving, so I had to sit in the front. Earth and Ink were busy talking in the back seats. Looks like Ink will forget me in a few days.

Wai was not talking much; he was just responding to Ink and Earth just like me.

Was I too much yesterday? Did I hurt him or was I rude to him? or was I not clear? What did I do?

My chain of thoughts was cut off when Ink started poking me from the back.

"What is it?" I asked irritated.

"that's my question!"


"What is bothering you?"

"Nothing. I was just trying to listen to you guys"

Ink looked at me with her I can see you are lying face. I know she wants to ask more, but she was trying her best to control herself.

Before Ink could pester me, we reached her place. Once she was dropped, it was my turn as Wai said he will be crashing at Earth's place for the night.

"Whatever you are stressed about, it will be fine. You know I am just a call away if you ever need me" Earth said as he got down to take out my luggage.

"I know. Now stop ruffling my hair" I said acting irritated.

I don't understand why these guys treat me like a little kid, which I'm clearly not.


I took a shower and came down to eat as my stomach started grumbling.

"How was your trip?" Mom asked as I hugged her.

"It was good mom. Sunset was beautiful, the food was great too and the best part is Ink and Earth are dating now"

"Really? Finally, she is dating someone but what's with your face? You don't look happy. Something is troubling you?"

"No mom. I'm happy for her. It's about my studies"

"Your results?"

"Results? Y-yes my results and other stuff"

It's not that I want to hide it from her. I just don't want her to worry about me and I'm sure she already has so much on her plate to deal with.

"Maa, do you ever take breaks?"

"Well, I might have a cure for your stress and an answer to your question on the dining table"

"I thought your leaves were not approved!" I asked her surprised, as I see two flight tickets to our hometown lying on the table dated for some time in the next week.

We are leaving in a week! It's almost impossible for her to get leaves if it's not emergency as her role requires her to be available all the time.

"Why do you think I'm working my ass off right now and I need to wrap up before we leave" she said pointing her laptop.

"You are really good at surprising people"

"Of course, but this time my friend will be coming too, so will be visiting her as well"

"A friend? who?"

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