Chapter 1

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-Rachel pov-
We only came here because we were spying. I knew she would be here because of Jesse. But I figured it was a push in the wrong direction. But she looks exactly like me.

Quinn and Mercedes seem to be confused. They look like I am in two places at once. Which I can not say I am not technically. Cause she really does look like me.

Or do I look like her?

(Lyrics from genius)
Did you hear that?
Yeah, the guy said, honey
You're a funny girl
That's me, I just keep them
In stitches

Doubled in half
And though I may be all wrong for the guy
I'm good for a laugh
I guess it's not funny
Life is far from sunny
When the laugh is over
And the jokes on you
A girl ought to have a sense of humor
That's one thing you really need for sure
When you're a funny girl
The fellow said a funny girl
Funny, how it ain't so funny
Funny girl

"Wow" Shelby jumps and the two people with me book it "Sorry!"

"Take a break" I cringe as Shelby looks straight at me "You down here"

I sigh and slowly make my way to the stage area. I need to get a plan in my head. I can hug her and she will read me a story!...ok have no idea where that came from.

"Wow" I look up and realize I am standing in front of my mom "You look just like are not a baby anymore"

"I still an be" My eyes go wide and I cover my mouth "Oh god"

"Are you ok?" She reaches out and I step backwards "Hey I will not hurt you ok? I just want to be sure you are ok"

"I ine" I shake my head with tears forming "Ine! Ine! O!"

"Rachel?" I start shaking as she steps toward me "Rachel calm down"

-Shelby pov-
I pull the girl in front of me into my embrace. She is a spitting image of me. She has tears cascading down her face currently. I get us to a seat and rock us in it.

She was talking like she just learned to. Is it something from those two that ran? Is she going to be ok going home? Does she even have a ride home?

"Rachel can you look at me and nod or shake your head to my questions?" She sits back with a sniffle and nods "Do you have a ride home?"

She shakes her head and starts crying again. I run a hand through her hair before picking her up as I stand. I struggle a bit but I walk to my office and close the door. I sit down in my office chair and pull out my phone.

I send a text to the kids we are done for the day. I send a text to Jesse next to tell him he is gone. He obviously has not be able to make my daughter happy and cared for. Next up I am getting her home and finding out if we can stop the silly contract.

She will be a strong member on our team. She could fit in and take over. For now though I need to get her home. I am broken from my thoughts by small snores.

I smile and look down at my baby girl. She is all I have ever wanted in my life. She is my perfect little thing. She is the best thing to have come from me.

I get her and myself up again with my stuff. I carry her quietly to my car. It is a little beat up but it still goes. Carmel is finalizing my contract details, which means the new cars, tomorrow.

I lay her down in my back seat and make sure she is secure. I get in the driver seat and pull out of the parking spot. I will let her sleep at my house before getting her home. I do not know where she lives so getting her home while asleep is a issue.

But having her with me is a issue I love to have.

-Quinn pov-
"Did she just steal Rachel?" I look at Mercedes and we both scream "OH GOD WE JUST SENT RACHEL AWAY!"

"I KNOW!" We both look at the car driving away "What do we do?!"

"Nothing!" I look at Mercedes shocked "I feel like we screamed in different ways"

"WE SENT ONE OF OUR BEST SINGERS AWAY!" I point to where the car just disappeared "She could die for all we know!"

"Quinn it is the pregnancy talking" I glare and she gets into her car "Now get in before I leave you here"

I sigh and get into the car. We leave and I can not help thinking about what could happen. She just went with a lady who looks like her but we do not know. She could be a secret serial killer.

I just hope Rachel ends up being alright.

-Time skip-Rachel pov-
I wake up to a fuzzy blanket on me and a smaller one in my hands. I look at the one in my hands and see Barbara Jane written on it. It also has my birthday on it.

"I had it made when I got home" I look to see my mother standing in the door with a star glass of water "I wanted to name you Barbara and wanted to fight but I had signed the contract...there was not a way I could win"

"You're my mom?" She nods and comes closer "I..I sorry"

"Drink up ok?" I take the cup and for whatever reason I tip to far and spill it everywhere. Tears immediately start to flow "Hey it is ok! Let's just get you out of this bed ok?"

I nod with a sniffle as she helps me out. My pants are a little wet and I hold the small blanket close to me. I get confused when we do not stop at the couch. My eyes go wide with panic when I see us get closer to the front door.

"Hey calm down" I look up and calm some feeling the motherly love "No one will see and we are going to take you home ok? I am sure your dads are worried"

"Ey o home" All movement is stilled and I can see Shelby is holding back anger "Mom?"

"They have left you alone?" I nod slowly and soon I am laying in the couch "I will be back ok?"

She turns on Dora and I pout some. I am too old for this kids show. Hey she has a talking monkey friend! There is even a blue bull!

-Time skip-Shelby pov-
I sigh and rub my temples. That call was long but helpful. I should have her in my custody before too long. Which means she can come to my school if she wants.

I stretch as I stand up from my chair. I hear childlike laughter coming from the living room and smile. I walk out and watch as she looks enraptured by Diego and Dora. She looks like a little baby girl.

How long have her dads been gone? Did they even raise her right? Does she know right from wrong? Does she have anyone to go to?

"Ere!" Rachel claps as she does what the show says "Yay! I Ot it!"

"Yes you did sweetie" I wipe the tears away and go back to my room "I need to figure out what I happening"

I go to my desk and turn on my computer. I do many searches and read articles. I find out she is doing something called age regression. It is where she is trying to act like what she never had I guess.

"My poor baby girl" I shut everything down and go back out to the living room "Hey Rachel...could we have a grown up talk?"

"I try" She frowns "I sorry"

"Never apologize for being yourself" I walk over and it beside her "I am more than likely going to get custody over will have to speak but it would insure you are taken care of ok?"

"I o ana e lone" Her bottom lips starts to quiver "O more"

"You will be fine baby girl" I pull her into me and comfort her "I will make sure of it ok? You can be as young as you want with me!"

"Aby?" I nod and she smiles "I e aby"

"You are my baby" I kiss her forehead and rock her gently "Always will be"

These next few weeks are going to be tough. But it will be worth it so I can have her with me. I came back just for her and I am staying with her. I also get to have my baby back.

I guess I have something I need to order and fix around the house. I think some baby gates are at the top of the list. For now I am just going to enjoy holding her and close my eyes. We can nap for a little bit.

Just..a..little bit.

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