S1 EP10 - Childish Things

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Alex and Ben waited on the ground as J'onn tried to teach Kara proper flight technique. The two landed in front of them and J'onn transformed back into human form.

Ben: That is never gonna get less cool.

Supergirl: You could feel like that all the time, you know. Free. Untethered. True to who you really are.

J'onn: The world needs Hank Henshaw more than it needs J'onn J'onzz

Alex: Okay, we've pinpointed the location of Room 52 at Lord Technologies, assuming we can trust James Olsen's intel.

J'onn: Superman trusts him. That's good enough for me.

Alex: Supergirl trusts him and that's more than good enough.

Supergirl: If you're infiltrating Lord Tech, I'm in. Max beat James to a pulp for finding Room 52. What could he be hiding in there?

J'onn: We will find out.

Ben: My guess? A collection of Italian suits.

J'onn: This will require subterfuge and subtlety, not a red cape.

Alex: Couldn't it also require a bit of Martian manpower?

J'onn: That's not an option.

Supergirl: You know, when I came out, embraced my powers, finally letting myself be who I'm meant to be, it turned out to be the best thing I ever did.

J'onn: That's you.


At CatCo, Kara, James, Winn, and Ben watched as Lucy met with Cat in her office.

Kara: That was a genuine laugh. That was not fake, that was real.

Ben: Are we sure Cat hasn't been replaced by an android?

James: What do you think they're talking about in there?

Winn: Kara does have this handy ability called superhearing...

Kara: Yeah, but that just feels wrong, doesn't it? Is that wrong?

James: Do it.

An employee turned up the news broadcast covering an escaped criminal.

Newscaster: <The eccentric criminal known as "Toyman" to his fellow inmates escaped from the Van Kull Maximum Security Prison this morning. Toyman got his name from the dangerous and...>

Winn muted the broadcast and walked off.

James: What's going on with him?

Kara: I don't know.

Cat and Lucy left the office.

Cat: We'll be in touch.

Lucy: Yes.

Lucy approached the others.

Lucy: She is so nice.

Ben: Am... am I in an alternate dimension? Am I gonna turn the corner and see Spock with a beard?

James: Um... So, did she, uh... Did she want something from you or...

Lucy: Yes. She wants me to be her general counsel, starting immediately.

Kara: What?

Ben: Nice.

James: Congratulations. That's... that's amazing. So you would be here?

Lucy: Uh, yeah, I have to think about it a little bit, but...

Kara: The, uh, old GC's office is on this floor.

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