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"Mister knightly" showing a slight nod I kept walking as I made sure my tie sat straight. Entering the elevator, I pressed the top button to my floor and waited. With a jolt the elevator stopped and the doors opened. "Maitland" "Sean" "I heard Jordana is back" "yes she is" "you will let her get away with the past?" Maitland took a deep breath as he walked into his modern office and sat down at his mahogany desk. "Jordana is innocent" "innocent? She cheated on you. how can.." "SHE IS INNOCENT. HANNAH IS A FILTHY LIAR" in saying that Sean stepped back
he knew he had pissed off Maitland. When Jordana left, maitlands life changed. He became a cruel and heartless man. Everyone who sees him knows how hard he can be including Sean. "Hannah lied. I found out a few months after Jordana left. She did not sleep with Matt. Hannah was jealous and wanted her hands on me. If I see that whore I will kill her" with that Sean spoke "that's a little harsh don't you think?" "HARSH. I LOST THE LOVE OF MY LIFE DUE TO HER JEALOUSY AND STUPID RUMOR" Sean swallowed what he was going to say next, he knows when Maitland is on edge "if Hannah is to come anywhere near me or even Jordana I will have her shot. I will not stand back and let a guilty whore like her get away with what she had done. She turned everyone against Jordana and acted innocent" Meanwhile Maitland was also guilty but he swears to himself he will do anything he can to make up for his mistake. "You will set everyone straight Sean" "how did you find this out?" "Matt" matt would never lie to Maitland, he knows what's at stake. With that news Sean showed a slight nod "then I will be sure to tell everyone, if they ask" "good I am over this bullshit".
"Sean is it safe to come in?" Sean had forgot about Hannah being in his office. When Hannah entered, Maitland didn't hesitate as he stood up with a gun in his hand. The fear in Hannah's fearful eyes made Maitland pleased as he smirked her way with no emotion in his eyes. "SIT" "mait.." "I SAID SIT" Hannah's eyes started to water. She never thought Maitland would aim a gun at her when all she craved was his touch. "Sean close the door" Sean stepped back closing the door as Maitland requested while Maitland had a look of hatred directed at Hannah. When he stepped closer, Hannah shrunk back in her seat. As Maitland put a gun to her forehead Hannah started crying "YOU WILL PAY FOR THE WRONGS YOU HAVE DONE. I WILL TAKE EVERYTHING FROM YOU, LIKE YOU TOOK FROM ME" Hannah made a mistake by opening her mouth "she doesn't deserve you. I LOVE YOU NOT HER" Maitland pushed the gun harder to her forehead, pinning her head to the back of the chair as his anger only boiled "YOU HAVE TWO HOURS. TWO HOURS TO GRAB WHAT YOU CAN AND GET OUT OF THIS TOWN. YOU WILL NEVER COME BACK. YOU ARE LUCKY I DONT KILL YOUR SISTER" "NO. DONT TOUCH HER" "SHUT UP. TWO HOURS BEFORE I KILL LATESHA. THIS IS MY LAST WARNING TO YOU, YOU DIRTY WHORE. YOU LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK" Hannah sobbed but Maitland didn't show one ounce of care like she had hoped. Maitland stood with the gun to her fore head full of rage "TWO HOURS OR LATESHA IS DEAD. STARTING NOW" Maitland stepped back as he kept his gun raised at Hannah. Sean knows not to say anything. When Jordana left town Maitland turned cold and even though Sean is a friend he knows he wouldn't hesitate to kill him either. "ONE HOUR AND FIFTY NINE MINUTES" Hannah let out a cry as she dropped to her knees "Maitland I love you. I always have" she was willing to beg, to be able to stay, to have him close but Maitland let out a cold laugh "I FUCKING HATE YOU. YOU MEAN NOTHING TO ME AND YOU NEVER WILL. I SUGGEST YOU TAKE YOUR LEAVE NOW BEFORE ITS LATESHA AND YOUR WHORE OF A MOTHER" "Maitland.. please I beg you" "I'm sure you have been on your knees many times for men" Hannahs act was up and she knew it but couldn't help smiling before an evil smirk showed on her face "for those who raped Jordana" with in a split second Maitland sent a bullet to Hannah's leg making her cry out in pain before he sent three more. Two to her stomach and one to her shoulder. "Maitland" in this moment Maitland didn't care. This woman is a vile person. As Maitland hovered over Hannah tears stained her cheeks. "I change my mind. You don't have two hours and the last thing you will ever see is me killing you" Hannah's eyes went wide with fear and pain as Maitland sent one last bullet, hitting her right between the eyes. Maitland felt satisfied while Sean swallowed the lump in his throat. He knew Maitland was angry but never did Sean think he would see Maitland kill someone. Jordana was raped. Oh shit Hannah knew about it, she set it up and instead of her caring, she hid it to try get close to Maitland. Why has Maitland never mentioned it?.
Maitland stood near the window, the gun still in his hand as he looked out over the town. Though his mind wasnt on his surroundings it was on Jordana.
"Did you know about Hannah's betrayal?" "No. If I knew I would've told you" Maitland turned with a coldness in his eyes as he looked at Sean "well now you do. You do not mention what happened to Jordana to anyone, she has been through enough and I need.." "you don't need to explain anything to me Maitland. I would not say anything in regards to what happened to her" Maitland could hear the sincerity in Sean's words and didn't continue what he was going to say "this office needs new carpet. I will remove it" "I can help" Maitland showed a slight nod as he put the safety back on and the gun back in his pants. Over the next two hours, sean and maitland removed all the furniture, placing it in Sean's office before they ripped up the carpet and rolled it around Hannah's lifeless body. "Let's take this to the dumpster" "I take it no work will be getting done today?" "I will get to it later" with a slight nod, Sean moved to one end of the carpet while Maitland grabbed the other. With out a care Maitland and Sean carried the carpet out and squished it into the tight elevator. None of them saying anything. As the elevator doors opened, some of maitlands staff stopped and stared his way "have I told you to stop?" With a scurry people moved over the pristine white floors to where they needed to go as Maitland and Sean carried the carpet to the dumpster. Throwing it in without a care in the world even though Hannah's body laid dead inside, little did maitland know but Jordana stood near with curiosity. "Maitland" hearing his name from his love he turned around with a soft smile. Sean seen how quickly maitlands mood changed and was stunned but also happy for him. "Jordana. It's good to see you" when Maitland walked Jordanas way the smile never left his chiseled face "are you doing renovations?" "Yes I think it's over due" "do you mind if I help?" Maitlands smile never faulted "did you do your interior design course like you wanted to?" Jordana smiled as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear showing a gorgeous dimple. one thing Maitland adores on her "yes. At home but I do hope I can start my own company one day".
"Jordy it's been a long time" "three years Sean. How are you?" One thing Sean knows is Jordana is always polite "I'm well Jordy. Have you been well?" Jordana wasn't sure how to answer that but with a smile she spoke "yes Sean" hearing the way Jordana spoke, Maitland knew she was lying. "Would you like to come have a look Jordana?" "Only if it's okay with you Maitland" all Maitland wants is to be in Jordanas company "of course. I can show you around the building too if you would like" "I'm happy for you Maitland, you did what you said you would" hearing this maitland smiled once again and Sean did the same. The only thing that can tame the beast is his beauty. Jordana and Maitland only started dating in year nine but everyone could tell they had liked each other for many years before hand. Of course Maitland knew the polite Jordana wouldn't approach him and he had to take that step. From that day they were inseparable. With happiness, Maitland entered the building with sean and Jordana.

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