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"how did lunch go?" Maitland looked at Sean with a small smile on his face "you know I haven't seen you smile this much in years" Sean had a cheeky grin on his face as he spoke. Maitland knew he was messing around but couldn't choose the right word to use "will you be going to the pub after work?" "No. I'm not drinking" Sean was curious to see how this would go. All maitland has done is drink everyday. if he is addicted which Sean can see he has been he may have withdrawals but he's proud of him for not going. "I will be having a flooring company come to my office at eight tomorrow morning. I will be using my desk in here for now" sean knew he could use this moment to tease his mate "sure beast. take a seat in my office" "I will let that slide" "oh he's really happy today. Not even a sour look, a glare or a grumpy comment. What has happened to my ass of a boss?" "He will fire your ass if you keep going" Sean knows Maitland isn't serious. His grey eyes aren't cold, there's still a slight smile on his face and for the first time in years he seems relaxed. When Sean moved from his desk, he picked up his chair placing it on the other side of maitlands. If they weren't friends since junior he wouldn't get away with it. As Sean playfully put both his elbows on the desk, he positioned his face on his hands as he playfully stared at Maitland. "Any closer and Id think you want to kiss me Sean" Sean smirked "nah.. ya dick doesn't do it for me. I heard it's small" Maitland looked away from his papers as he looked at Sean. Maitland knows darn well Sean won't stop. But it shows Maitland he is liking seeing him happy. "Are you just going to annoy me all afternoon" "wow beauty comes back and I'm neglected. The guy who has kept you sane, grounded.." Maitland sat back throwing his pen down "so it's a jealousy thing right. You are making up bullshit to try get your way?" "Who else was there Maitland. don't break my heart" "you surely didn't keep me grounded and this sane shit you speak of didn't happen" as Maitland and Sean messed around Jordana was at home thinking of ways she can better herself. These sleeping tablets don't just help her sleep they make her in somewhat of a daze through the day. The woman at the chemist had suggested a natural base but Jordana doesn't want that. She wants to stop. As her mind kept wandering, she found herself thinking about interior designs. In this moment, Jordana left the porch she sat on and walked inside.
"Papa I will be going to paolis" "wow okay. If that's what you would like to do. Do you want company?" "You are fine to stay here papa" "very well. Stay safe Jordana".
Earl was shocked. His daughter is stepping out and doesn't want him to join.
Jordanas mind isn't on those around her, just the details of inside the poalis. As Jordana entered the large extravagant museum, her breathing was calm and steady as a radiant gentle smile sat on her face. As everyone looked at all of the old pictures spread on the walls, filling the white, Jordanas eyes never left the intricate details on the architraves, the wooden beams across the roof of the museum. This place is like heaven to Jordana and quite large which can keep her mind going for many hours.
"Maitland" "hi Earl is Jordana in?" "No. She stepped out about two hours ago" Maitland didn't like that she was out on her own. What if something has happened to her. "Do you know where she has gone?" "She mentioned she was going to paolis" with a smile Maitland spoke "of course. Thank you Earl" "welcome" Maitland rushed to his car. All day he has wanted to be in her company and he doesn't care if he has to be at a museum to do it.

These walls show so much. they show the age of the building, the way they had been cared for and even the hardship that surrounded them. In this moment Jordana was frozen in time as she pictured what it could've been like, what the building could've been used for. She hasn't done much research in regards to buildings. As Jordana gently ran her fingers over the structural beams, a voice broke her thoughts. "Jordana" Jordana was stunned. She didn't know Maitland would be here. Wiping the shock off of her face, she turned to face Maitland. To see him with a gentle smile Jordana couldn't stop herself from admiring the way he looks at her. "I didn't know you would be here Maitland" "it's not a place I have been too" "that is two of us".
"I never knew you were into old art work?" "I'm not. While others are here looking at all those pictures, I'm.." Maitland will probably think she is crazy "what?" "Looking at all the details on the walls" Jordana shook her head "sorry you may think.." "no. You have always had an eye for detail. The reason you wanted to be an interior designer" Jordana showed a genuine smile "would you like to walk with me?" How could Maitland say no when all he wants is to be in her company. "I'd love to". As they walked through the museum, Maitland could see how Jordanas eyes lit up and soften as she looked at all the details on the walls. He just doesn't know what's going through her mind. While her mind was on them, maitlands mind was on her. "Jordana?" As Jordana tore her eyes away from the wall, Maitland started to get nervous. Maitland doesn't get nervous but Jordana brings all these unusual things out in him. "Are you okay Maitland?" Maitland has always loved the caring side of her. "I.." Jordana had a gentle smile on her face "are you nervous?" Maitland put his head down and for the first time since he has been in her company after all those years, Jordana let out a cute laugh. "That's a yes" when Maitland raised his head he looked into Jordanas ocean blue eyes. He could get lost in them forever. "I want to try hold your hand. All I crave is to hold you, to see you, to get to know the person you are today" as Maitland kept his eyes on Jordanas he felt Jordanas hand touch his and her fingers entwine. "It's not the touch Maitland, the fear takes over when I dont know its coming" holding Jordanas hand Maitland couldn't be happier than he is now. Jordana knows he's not here to hurt her but she can feel his shakes. Is there something wrong with Maitland now?. Jordana suddenly stopped walking as she took her eyes off of the walls and faced Maitland, never removing her hand. "Maitland is there something wrong?" "No" Maitland wasn't sure what Jordana was thinking about but her next few words worried him. "Your hand is shaking. Is there a reason why?" Maitland knows it's because he hasn't had a drink. He also knows he needs to be honest with her but doesn't know how she will take the news. "yes" Maitland turned his head not being able to look at her in the eyes "it's withdrawals. In the time that I hadn't seen you, I spent every day at the pub drinking my life away" Jordana thought that might be the case "then it seems it's not only I that needs the help to get off a substance" Maitland was shocked. He thought maybe she would frown upon him but once again, she didn't. Wait what did Jordana mean by that?.
"Jordana, you said you as well?" With a slight nod Jordana spoke "yes. I want to stop taking the sleeping tablets. They can't be good for my body and make me feel awful everyday" "awful?" This is something Maitland doesn't like to hear "Yeah like I am in a daze. Mornings are the worst, I still feel like I'm half asleep and it's takes quite some time for the feeling to wear off. Personally I don't like it but just like your addiction and withdrawals it won't be easy to rid of the substance in my body" "and your dreams?" "They don't stop the dreams, they only keep me asleep" with Jordana continuing to walk, of course Maitland moved with her. "You do know what's involved in withdrawals from alcohol?" Maitland hasn't looked into it and answered honestly "no" "excessive sweating, shakes, restlessness, bad moods and even lack of energy" Maitland thought about everything Jordana had just mentioned but she never mentioned hers. "What about yours?" "It can cause insomnia, restlessness, shivering and maybe even circulation problems. It wont be easy for any of us" "but yours sounds a lot worse" Jordana showed a slight nod "I need to seek medical attention for this" "then I would like to be with you"

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