Chapter 4: Not the Paparazzi

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I woke up and the room was filled with a dull warm color. I got up from my bed and pressed the button to open the curtains. It was a Sunday morning. I made my bed and walked into the bathroom and stood brushing my teeth lazily. Washing my face thoroughly and waking up from the half-conscious state, I walked to my daughter's room on the other side of the upper floor. 

"Rise and shine Endie!" I said in a cheery voice, stretching as far as her short limbs would let her, "Good morning mommy," she said still yawning and letting her arms entangle on my neck as I picked her up. We walked down into the kitchen, doing our everyday morning ritual. 

Holding her in one arm, I poured some milk for her and some for me. Teaching by example what can I say.  She slowly and steadily starts perking up her head as time passes and I start preparing pancakes. Whipping all of that I poured in a big bowl, yes it would have just been easier to use the hand mixer but it was more fun that way, I got to spend more time with her that way. 

I looked at the calendar as she decorate my plate with whipped cream and I decorated hers. She had a playdate at 11. We sat down having breakfast next to each other, seeing who could eat more pancakes.

We went up and got bathed and dressed, me after her surely. She wore a light blue shirt with a frill halfway on its waist and small white daisies on it and jeans while I wore black skinny jeans, a white single strapped top, a long, printed, loose cardigan, and sunglasses. I packed her bag with supplies and my side bag with mine and together we headed towards the park. I parked past the street from the local playground. I stepped out of the car and as soon as I got Lavender out of the car, something felt off. 

I walked to the park with Lavender in my arms since we had to cross the road. I met with the Lavender's friend Troy's mother and off they went to play. I sat down watching them for a while when my eye's caught something. A man with his camera pointed at me. I turned my face so he couldn't get my face. I liked my life was kept very private while my business was quite open. But there was another cameraman in the other direction. What is going on? I removed my hat from my bag and asked Troy's mom to drop Lavender home once she is done and to be careful when she does so. I walked back to the car and after I was seated in the driver's seat I opened my phone for the first time and there I was spread across various news channels with photos of me running and then Nils following me. Oh god, what controversy have they found here? 

I scrolled to the headline 'Famous Model and Tiktoker Nils Kuesel spotted with his ex on his wedding night!'

They were first spotted by a photographer trying to cover famous tiktoker Nils Kuesel's wedding with International model Katherine Schnell, Dhruvi running from the building, and later Nils chasing after her. Although the cameraman couldn't quite capture them after they entered the lift of the businesswoman's penthouse building, he did catch Nils leaving the scene looking rather shaken up, as if someone had just jumped his bones. All of which happened on his wedding night! Have the former lovers rekindled their relationship and what does it mean for Nils' marriage. We already have so many mysteries about Dhruvi Kangutkar CEO and Founder of Honeycombs and Blackholes Company relating to her daughter and her former boyfriend John Esterail. What happened between them, stay tuned to know more. 

Another notification popped on the top of my screen as I was trying to digest what was already happening. 'Now live with Dhruvi Kangutkar's mysterious daughter, would one chapter of the mysterious businesswoman's life be opened to us today?' Oh My God, NO. 

I opened the door and ran across the street and into the park as I saw Lavender holding her ground with the cameras pointing at her face and a person asking her all sorts of questions. As soon as she saw me she ran towards me and I picked her up in my arm, she burrowed her face into my neck as I spoke. 

"You have no right whatsoever interfering with my personal life! And it was crossing a line doing this to my daughter! Whatever in the freaking hell you want to think about what is happening in my life do it but keep my daughter out of it! The next time I see you anywhere near me or my daughter all of you will have a hard time getting another job, ever." I said screaming like a madman. 

I walked back to my car and went right to our house. Lavender was pretty shaken up even if she handled it quite bravely so I tucked her into bed again and let her go to sleep until the evening. I sat down on the couch and let the anger cool off before I had to make calls to my PR and then Nils and then my lawyer as well as to what I can do about this paparazzi situation.


I sighed and sat back when the elevator door dinged open. Nils walked in with his black coat swinging behind him turning around to look at me at the bar stool. "I came as soon as I found out." He said taking huge strides towards me and embracing me and I stuffed my face into the warm t-shirt he wore inside. "Please tell me you at least talked to Katherine?" I said sighing and looking up at him. "Not exactly, she saw the news before I did which led to a huge fight. Now she is the one filing an annulment." He said as a matter of factly. The elevator door dinged again and I and Nils broke apart to look at one of the clerks drop Nils' bags on the floor and walked in Katherine through the door. In a black turtle neck and black leggings and a huge black leather overcoat and sunglasses, "Here are the documents, I've signed them," She said sliding a huge yellow envelope on the round table in the middle of the small lobby, "Here are all your belongings," She said pointing at the luggage, "Have a great life ahead." She said turning to the elevator put pausing just a moment and turning around, removing her sunglasses and pointing towards us with the sticks of her sunglasses, "you should probably check the internet again." And flashing her million-dollar smile, looking absolutely stellar after just having divorced her first husband she left.

I opened the flap of the mac in front of me and went on the internet and typed in my name. Thousands of articles must have been published. I clicked on the original one posted an hour ago.

" OH YES, SHE IS DEFINITELY THE REASON WHY NILS CHEATED ON ME. says, Katherine Parker " read the headlines. I scrolled down to find out my entire history spilled on the internet, no not again. Not the paparazzi.

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