Chapter 7

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Korean in regular font

English in BOLD

As the time on Ari's phone hit 6:15 am her alarm went off. She was able to silence it and looked around while rubbing her eyes to make sure she didn't wake her soulmates. As rough as she accidentally rubbed them, she was happy she pulled her lashes off before going to bed. When she noticed they were all still sleeping, it was time for her to get up and start her day because the post office carrier would be picking up her orders at 6:30.

Joon said the moving company had more than enough people and trucks so she didn't need to pack anything. They'll take all of her things and set them up as they move, including her workspace and closet. Whenever the first load leaves the apartment Joon, Yoongi, Jimin, and Kook said they'd follow and make sure they set up everything correctly. Ari will drive herself, Tae, Jin, and Hobi there when the last load leaves the apartment.

Since they would be there at 11am there was more than enough time to make breakfast. As Ari went to move, she was pulled back tighter against a solid warm body. Peaking over she saw a sleeping Taehyung who did not want her to move. They all went to sleep cuddling and comfortable. She hated to ruin it but she really needed to pee.

Carefully, she slid out of his grasp and pulled Jin who was in front of her a little closer. The two clung together as she sighed in relief and headed to the bathroom.

After doing her business and washing her hands, she brushed her teeth and washed her face. She took her bonnet off and removed the scrunchie. Running her fingers over her scalp she knew it was time to wash it.

About the bonnet, Jimin and Hobi want one now. They thought it was a hat but she explained that it protects hair styles and overall hair health, especially for black people. And if there is no bonnet available, satin pillowcases work just as well. Ari figured she'd get them a bonnet and all seven of them durags because why not.

It was almost pick up time so after the orders were gone she'd shower and start breakfast. Before leaving her room she made sure to lay out a set of towels for each of them. There was a washer/dryer setup in her closet so she pulled their clothes from yesterday out of the dryer and put each outfit with a towel set.

There were about 40 orders going out ranging from tiny to almost 4lb boxes. Checking over her workspace for the last time she saw one box on her desk she needed to grab. The guys moved all of the other ones last night for her and she didn't even ask. She must've sat the box down accidentally. Grabbing it she walked in the living room seeing her sleepy soulmates looking around until they saw her.

"Good Morning sleepy heads!" Ari smiled and placed the last box by the door with the rest.

"Good Morning. Why are you up so early Beautiful?" Hobi yawned out, leaning against the sofa.

"Well they are about to pick up the orders in a few minutes so I had to get up. Once they leave I'll shower and start breakfast. Y'all can go back to sleep if you want."

"It's alright, Jimin sensed that you weren't laying down and his mini panic woke us up." Joon clowned the younger.

Jimin waddled over to Ari like a child with his cheeks puffed out. He pulled her into a hug needing the reassurance of her being there and released a breath of relief.

"Shut up Joonie! Y'all were looking for her too!" Jimin put his head in her hair loving the scent. It smelled of her signature essential oils and citrus at the same time. Cutting off him sniffing his soulmates hair, was a buzz at the door.

Reluctantly Jimin let her go to get her packages sent off. He'd just hold her before she went in the shower. The short girl got on her tiptoes to see through the peephole and opened the door after.

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