Quackity's family :D

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Quackity POV

My birthday is coming up, and every year my parents take me and a few friends to dinner at a random restrant. I invited Karl, Sapnap and Wilbur, so it may be a good way to tell them. Me and Will have both agreed how we'll say it and how it will SoMeHoW come up in conversation. Sapnap and Karl know about me and Wilbur, as well as we know about them.


We walked to the restrant, and sat down at the table after ordering. I sat next to Wilbur, Karl and Sapnap sat next to me on my other side and my parents and 5 sisters (AU) sat on the other side of the table. 


"so, Wilbur I've heard a lot about your family. Two Gods as parents must be pretty cool" My older sister Isabella said. "eh it has it's perks, but other than that we're a pretty normal family" Wilbur said looking at her. after a while Isabella mentioned her girlfriend, so I descided it was a good time to speak up. "me and my girlfriend went to the fair last weekend we all should go one day it's really fun" she said. "I bet Quackity doesn't have a girlfriend yet" My younger sister Amelia said. wow I had to do almost nothing ecxept the coming out part-

"I'm pretty sure I don't like girls so a girlfriend is out of the question" I said laughing a bit. everyone stared at me. Amelia handed Isabella $40 with an angry look on her face. Isabella smiled and pocketed the money. "are you fucking betting on me liking dick!?" I said before laughing. my mom got a little mad at my sisters, but me, Wilbur, Sapnap and Karl were still laughing. 

after about 10 minutes, we all calmed down and started eating again. "oh yea I forgot to mention I'm dating Wilbur" I said while eating. "told you! hand it over!" My youngest sister Emma said to Alexandra as she handed 5 dollars to Emma. "why do y'all like betting on me-" I said confused and laughing. "because why the fuck not!" Emma said. 


when we got home Karl stayed over for the night, and we face-timed Wilbur and Nikki. we had a really fun time, and all went well. 

A Little Fruity if ya ask me- {Quackbur/TNTDuo :D}Where stories live. Discover now