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!!!!!!!ART ISN'T MINE!!!!!!! idk who it is so if you do link their platform in the comments-

(in this au, they are still minors so L'manburg has not yet existed, but Wilbur died another way. don't judge my twisted little mind :'>)

Quackity walked to class like any other day, except he wasn't walking with Wilbur. the two always walked from class to class and to and from school - the two were inseparable, and if it was the week after 'the fight' they would be walking as far as possible from each other because Wilbur didn't like social conflict out of no where, but Quackity gave zero shits about people wanting to fight him because he knew he'd win. 

Quackity wasn't completely worried about where Wilbur was, because he'd normally show the next day if he missed school for some reason. Quackity was still slightly worried though, Wilbur would usually tell him if he was missing school. 

'Maybe he was in a rush to do something so he couldn't call or at least text me'

The boy thought. The rest of that class he wasn't paying attention - bad thoughts consuming his mind about things that could have happened to his beloved. 

After an hour that felt like an eternity, the short boy snapped out of his thoughts. The phone at the back of the room rang out of nowhere, which startled Quackity. He tried to catch-up with his classmates at the lecture. As the boy quickly wrote down what was on the board the teacher tapped his shoulder. Quackity looked at her.

"Someone is here to pick you up"

She whispered. Quackity started packing his things while she walked back to the board to continue the lesson. Quackity got up and walked to the front office. He was wondering who picked him up - it's only been an hour of class, and if they wanted to pick him up why didn't he just stay home? Quackity kept walking, looking at the drawings plastered all over the walls. 

As he approached the office he saw Phil, Tommy, Techno and Kirsten. Quackity wondered where Wilbur was, but that wasn't the only question he had. He walked over to them and politely greeted them.

"Hey Mate, Your mum told me to pick you up and said you can skip the rest of the day and tomorrow if you want"

Phil said. Quackity wondered why he would need to skip school tomorrow. Then Tommy laughed a little.

"Dad you sound like a kidnapper-"

Tommy said, getting interrupted by Techno. 

"Toms this isn't a good time to joke around!"

Techno said, somewhat in a whisper while elbowing the slightly shorter one. This just made Quackity more confused - why was now not a good time to joke around? what is going on?

"okay, why would I need to skip school tomorrow?"

The short boy asked. Techno looked down slightly.

"Uh we'll tell you outside"

Phil said motioning for them to go outside. The five went outside and stopped by the parking lot. 

"Quackity something happened - we aren't really sure yet -  and he showed up."

Then a tall ghost 'walked' over to them. He looked exactly like Wilbur, the only differences were that his hazel eyes were blue, and he had blue dripping marks all over his body. 

It took Quackity a moment to understand, but once it clicked he started to hold back tears. 

"Wilbur's- He's gone!?"

Quackity asked. The ghost noticed he was sad, and 'walked' over to him to hug the shorter.

"It's okay! You have me until Alivebur gets revived! I'm Ghostbur" 

He said. He turned Quackity's head to face him. The blue ghost was smiling the whole time and hugged the shorter again.

"I'm not sure where we are but I think it's a bad thing because I don't remember it"

Ghostbur said. He looked around for a second, but then turned back to his family and boyfriend. He rested his head on Quackity's shoulder and hugged him from behind. Quackity smiled and laughed a little. 

Techno pulled out his phone and started typing. 

"What are you doing?"

Tommy said peering over his older brother's shoulder. 

"how to fuck a ghost so Quackity's parents wont be confused by his search history"

Everyone except Tommy - who was crying laughing -  went silent and Quackity had a look of pure disgust.

"Nah fuck you I'm leaving- good bye potato man, Gremlin child, Kristen and man who fucked a fridge"

Quackity said sticking up his middle finger and walking away. Ghostbur stayed and laughed. 

"yea I'm gonna be staying with him okay"

Ghostbur said in his usual innocent tone. Quackity was already on the sidewalk and walking away.

"okay just visit us whenever"

Kristen said. Ghostbur quickly 'ran' to the shorter boy and levitated around him.

"What do you remember from your life?"

Quackity asked. 

"Only the good parts. So there are some days that are just blank"


"why'd you ask?"

"Just wondering why you remembered me"

"QUACKITIEEEEE!!!! of course I'd remember you! I loooove youu~!"

Ghostbur said giving Quackity a million kisses. Quackity giggled and tried to push him away.

"hey- stawp itt!-"

Quackity said laughing again.

"No! You're my boyfriend and I can do whatever I want!- wait no-"

Ghostbur said before facepalming at what he said. Quackity started laughing very hard.

Tommy and Techno watched this from afar. 

"how long 'til their married?"

Techno said. 

"a few days at best"

876 words :>

Hey y'all how are you this fine day/night? Sorry it's not the best, I have writers block rn and NEED DESPERATE HELP SO PLEASE CAN I HAVE IDEAS :<<<

anywho thanks :>

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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A Little Fruity if ya ask me- {Quackbur/TNTDuo :D}Where stories live. Discover now