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Tess and Peter crept through the door carefully, Tess leaned against the wall as Peter mirrored her. She cleared her throat, and Peter began speaking, "What's up guys? You forget your pin number?" Tess side-eyed him, was that the best he could come up with? They were all wearing Avengers themes masks, you would probably find at a party store, "Woah, you're the Avengers, what are you doing here?" Tess asked dramatically waving her arms around, Tess webbed the two on the right, whereas Peter webbed two on the left, "Thor, Hulk. Nice to finally meet you guys. Thought you'd be more handsome in person." Peter noted, Tess rolled her eyes, "Ah, a billionaire robbing a bank, never thought I'd see the day." Tess spoke, throwing another punch, and kick. 

"Hey, oh this feels so weird." Peter spoke being held in the air by the weird weapon, "Woah, what's that?" Tess asked, referring to the strange weapon, Peter got thrown into the framed sign causing to shatter further, "You ok?" Tess called knocking out one of the masked men. "What was that thing?!?" Peter asked exasperated. 

Tess got thrown into the back wall, her head hitting against it with a soft thump, everything went dark for about twenty seconds before she drowsily started to get back up, "è stato maleducato" (That was rude) she muttered, rubbing the back of her head. 

"911. What's your emergency?" the voice over the phone asked, as Mr. Delmar made the call from across the street. "Spider-Ghost and Spider-Man, are fighting the Avengers in the bank on 21st street," he said, eyes narrowed. 

"Alright, Alright, Can we wrap this up please, We've got school tomorrow." Tess spoke, Money floated down around, "Yep, it's a school night." Peter Agreed webbing 'Iron Man's' weapon to the wall, and Tess webbed two other guys, two of the other guys, "Where did you get these weapons?" Tess asked examining one of the weapons, "Yeah, where do jerks like you get tech like this?"

'The Hulk's' weapon, powered up and Tess pushed Peter out of the way seconds before it blasted out the window hitting directly into Delmar's Shop, Tess gasped, "You take care of these guys and meet me over there!" Tess spoke.

"Mr. Delmar? Are you in here?" she called out rushing around the burning place, "There you are she breathed, helping him up slinging his arm around her shoulder, he was coughing as she lead him to lean against a pole, "Thank you Spider-Ghost" he coughed, "It's Ghost-Spider, Mr. Delmar she noted, her side had started aching, she gently touched her tender side and grimaced at the feeling of sticky crimson liquid. "Here, here." Peter handed off the cat to Mr. Delmar. "You ok?" he asked looking at her, "I...uh, I think so," she said, "I just got nicked by a blade or something I think." Even through Peter's mask she just knew there was a disapproving look on his face.


"I can't believe you lost your backpack again," Tess shook her head leaning against Peter for support. "In my defense.....I have none." Peter noted, "Did you...Did you just quote Taylor Swift to me?" she asked, jaw dropped, "Wha..what? No..." he stuttered, "You totally did." she said shaking her head, "It's not my fault, that's the ONLY music you play." he sighed, "Meet you after?" Tess asked, Moving towards her own window. "Yeah, please don't bleed out and die."  he could picture the eye roll that Tess sent him.

Tess Carefully crawled through the window, smart enough to make sure May wasn't going to walk in, but not smart enough to check for Gwen Stacy. Who was of course waiting for her right there just out of view. Tess pulled off her mask, letting it fall to the floor, "Holy Shit!" Gwen exclaimed, "I knew it! I knew it!" 

"Gwen?!? Wha...what are you doing here?" Tess glanced down seemingly remembering she was wearing her suit, "Oh yeah this...this is not what it looks like." she shook her head, pulling the suit off revealing her sport's bra, and the stab wound on her stomach, "That needs stitches," Gwen noted, "But you, you're Ghost-Spider!" the blonde exclaimed, "That's so cool!"

"I am not, nope not me." Tess shook her head, "You were on the ceiling, and where the hell else would you get a stab wound?" Gwen spoke, pacing back and forth,  "What are you doing in my room?"  Tess asked exasperated pulling on a pair of sweatpants, "Ah careful pulling those up to high," Gwen noted, "You really should clean that."

A crash was heard from Peter's room, "What was that?" May yelled, which was muffled by the closed door, "Ye..yeah you're probably right." Tess nodded reaching above her desk for the first aid kit, she began patting at the wound wincing, "Uh-no, nope, let me." 

"Sit down, don't get blood on the bed, Aunt May would kill you," Gwen instructed, "I think it would be more of a catastrophe if Mom found out, I got stabbed..." Tess trailed off, "True." Gwen shrugged, "Ouch." Tess pouted, "Shush, hold still." 

Tess spotted the needle in Gwen's hand, "No, nope, I don't do needles, unless I'm sewing. You are not sewing me." Tess shook her head, "It's called stitching Teresa, and I am stitching you." Gwen sighed, "Now hold still before my hand slips and this ends up in your eye," she threatened, "Did you just threaten to stab me in the eye?"

"Yes, yes I did." Gwen replied, "Mean." Tess huffed, the smoke alarms rang out muffled, "Are you almost done? If not hurry up, Mom will be busting in here any minute." the brunette motioned with her hands for the blonde to hurry up, "I'm moving as fast as I can, I've only practiced sutures on those rubber fake skin things." Gwen said, "Ouch, ouch, ouch," she whined, "Ok, done. Not my best work though," she spoke wrapping her torso with the bandage. "It's good enough, toss me that shirt." she pulled it over her head, just as May stepped through the door, "I completely fried that turkey meatloaf, how does Tai sound?" 

"Oh, yeah, yup, sounds great Mama," Tess said, "Gwen? Will you be joining us?" Gwen shook her head, "No it's ok, my dad wants me to be back soon anyway."  May nodded, "Ok, It was nice seeing you, Gwen." May smiled, 

"Be ready in ten?" 

"Be ready in ten?" 

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