Chapter three

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Today was the day, was I excited for it? Absolutely not, but it did mean i had a bit of a chance of finally being able to brag to Bo? yep. 

I walked into work, and saw...Neil was already here??? Despite me being the only one with the keys???? Neil stared into my soul as I walked past him, I was...terrified to say the least. But it didn't get any better. Bo started knocking aggressively on the window, but luckily he had left after a while of Neil staring at him while he slowly ate a single piece of shredded cheese every 3 minutes, maybe Neil isnt so bad....Nevermind he's chewing on the leg of a chair. 

Suddenly this kid came bursting through the door talking about pizza and...gacha life.. They came over to me said something about wanting cold pizza and *shivers* Pepsi and went and sat down. After giving the food to them I simply asked, "Do you want anything else kid?" and they proceeded to scream at me that they were 13 and therefore they are not a kid and then they sat in the corner and sobbed. After a few hours of this Neil threw them out the window (dont worry he was wearing gloves) Neil simply walked off after that, not saying a word. He seemed distraught but I couldn't tell because he always has the most blank expression on his face. 

It was closing time, as I had locked up, I had noticed that Bo didn't come and bother me today except for at the very beginning he knocked on the window, but nothing more. Just as I thought that, I saw Bo across the street, every once and a while he'd look at Neil and just start walking faster. It was almost as if Neil acted as some sort of repellent towards Bo, which I didn't mind at all. 

Eventually Neil and I went our separate ways, but still, no Bo. Maybe things are looking up for me...

Authors note: Sorry this took so long to get out, my motivation has gone down the drain, but I figured nonetheless that I'd give you guys a short chapter to keep you entertained and to prove that I'm still alive.

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