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Tony has created a chat room
Tony has added Y/N, Peter, Steve, Natasha, Bucky, Sam, Bruce, Vision, Clint, Wanda, Pietro, Rhodey and Thor

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Tony: We can do this the easy way or the hard way.

Y/N: huh?

Peter: What?

Tony: Ya' wanna know what was going through my mind this morning?

Rhodey: Nope, but I'm sure you're gonna tell us anyways.

Tony: "I had a long night without sleep. Lemme get a coffee."

Steve: Okay?

Tony: the coffee was perfect. Not too hot that it burns off your taste buds, but hot enough to wake you up.

Y/N: riighhhht?

Tony: Then I thought, "And maybe I'll play some music."

Natasha: Is this going anywhere?

Tony: Shhh. So I went down to my lab and I told Jarvis to drop my needle and started jamming to some AC/DC albums

Y/N: as you should

Tony: I was in a good mood. I had a smile on my face. Everything was just peachy

Bruce: Tony, can we wrap this up? I have a meeting-


Peter: 👀

Tony: I thought, "Now would be a good time to finish up my Mark 86 prototype blasters."

Everyone: ....

Tony: So I go over to my little work area all excited and imagine my face when I see all my hard work scattered on the floor and desk in pieces.

Y/N: 😮

Natasha: damn.

Steve: Wow.

Tony: So who did it?

Peter: what?

Tony: Who did it? Who broke my project?

Bruce: How do you not know!? You have top level security in all corners of the tower.

Tony: Obviously whoever did it was smart enough and technologically advanced enough to wipe out the good old security camera footage.

Tony: which rules out Capscicle

Steve: Hey! I could do that!

Bucky: Sure you could buddy

Tony: I'm not mad. I just want to know who did it.

Peter: well...

Y/N: Peter shut up. Even you can't be dumb enough to fall for that lie.

Tony: No no. Let the boy speak.

Peter: it wasn't me I swear!!

Peter: Buuuttt....

Y/N: Peter!

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