Chapter 3

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As Draco reached for the handle, Professor Brahnny opened his office door.

"Mister Malfoy?" Draco inwardly groaned as he turned to face his professor, scowling. "Where do you think you're off to in such a hurry?" At this point Professor Brahnny hadn't a clue as to what just took place in his classroom whilst he was absent, and Hermoine had rushed to Harry's aid and patched him up without a fuss so as to not draw any more attention to him.

"I'm not going to take part in this stupid lesson." Draco hissed.

"Unfortunately, Mister Malfoy, this lesson makes up 50% of your exam result and failure to partake in today's lesson will result in immediate failure." Brahnny stated, matching Draco's stare head on.

Draco flinched at the word 'failure' knowing what his father would surely do to him, furious at the thought of his son failing the most notorious class a Malfoy could be enrolled into, Dark Arts.

"Fine," he grumbled as he turned away dejectedly as he noticed Harry's smirk in the corner of his eye. Draco stood at the back of the class hoping he could skip out on it like he did in his 3rd year lesson. Unfortunately the professor had other ideas.

"Your name will be called out and you will step up to the line in front of the closet." Professor Brahnny said while pointing at a white chalk line on the oak wood floors. "Remember students, the spell is Riddikulus, repeat after me," The whole class chanted the incantation in an unmatched harmony. "Also! Before we start remembering, the best way to defeat a Boggart is with laughter!" he exclaimed cheerfully. Draco looked around whilst fidgeting his hands nervously, a trait his father most definitely hated about Draco.

As names were being called left and right and 'Riddikulus' was being cast along with outbursts of laughter and snickering, Draco was a nervous wreck, lost in thought about what he was going to do. He couldn't have everyone know what his greatest fear was! He'd be made a laughing stock in front of the whole school. As his thoughts deepened he winced in pain at the memories of what his father had done to him, for even the slightest inconvenience he brought upon Lucius would result in severe punishment.

"Riddikulus!" Harry yelled out to the Dementor, which transfigured into Uncle Vernon in a tutu. Everyone started to giggle at that. Draco scoffed, 'Saint Potter, always the perfect student'.
"Well done Harry!" Brahnny yelled proudly and put a 1 next to his name written on the chalkboard. Each number shows how many takes it took for said student to complete the task, he saw a lot of 2's and 3's and the occasional 1, 'like Saint Potter' Draco sneered, thinking to himself.

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