Chapter 4

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"Malfoy!" Brahnny yelled, snapping him out of his stupor. Draco's head turned toward the closet and his hands began to tremble. "You're up," the professor stated. With each step he took he felt his heart pound harder and faster the closer he got to the white chalk line. He stood frozen staring at the closet doors. The whole class was murmuring and wondered what his greatest fear could be.

"I bet it's something pathetic like snakes," someone from the back snickered. "I think it's Voldermort" he heard another voice stand out from the constant whispers from behind him. All those noises soon faded as he heard the closet door creak open slowly and a fine clad foot stepped out. Long thin pale fingers wrapped around the door and walked out, dressed head to toe in all black with robes hanging perfectly around his sides. He was wearing black everything and that made his pale skin and hair stand out even more. White hair and grey eyes pierced through the darkness filling the room. Draco's grip tightened around his wand shakily. He was looking into the eyes of himself. It was a perfect mirror image except the boggart had cold dead eyes. Gasps could be heard all around the room. No one expected Draco Malfoy's deepest darkest fear to be himself. The only other difference was one sleeved was rolled up, revealing the dark mark etched into his wrist.

"Hello Draco." Normally, he had to put a lot of effort into sounding intimidating. His double on the other hand, pulled it off with ease. Fear flickered over the blonde's face, but it was gone so quickly that no one would've seen unless they were looking for it. that self-assured smirk was soon back in place. "Well aren't you a handsome devil," he drawled. The creature said nothing, continuing to stare at the wizard. "Oh I get it. I'm my own worst nightmare, is that it? How poetic. I mean, I would hit you but I don't think I could bring myself to harm something that good looking." There were a few snickers of laughter from the Slytherin side of the class, and more than a few groans and eye rolls from the Gryffindor side.

"Joke all you want, smart arse, but you can't lie to me. I know the truth" The laughter died down, as the rest of the room's occupants seemed to notice the rising tension in the Boggart's victim's shoulders. Draco's double began to smirk. If possible, it was somehow more unnerving than the originals. It spoke with a voice that somehow carried across the whole room without having to shout. "I know how dead you are inside. How worthless you feel. I know how you look into a mirror, and hate what you see." Tense silence followed, and Draco's mask of calm began to waver. His grip tightened on his wand, and his bravado was now noticeably forced.

"I hate to burst your bubble, but that's not going to work. You're not really me."
"You sure about that?" His own voice echoed back, one eyebrow raised. There were definitely murmurs behind him now, as he felt the stares of the rest of his peers. He vaguely heard Brahnny to his far right prompt him to cast the spell.
"Riddikulus..." he called, cursing the shaking of his hand as he raised his wand. The spell did nothing; if anything, it amused Boggart. It simply tilted its head, as two pairs of grey eyes locked. One confident, one terrified.

"I'm not going anyway. Neither are you. After all, it's not as if you're strong enough" Pausing to absorb the boy's clear discomfort, it began choosing words that it knew would provoke a reaction. Circling Draco, it carried on its onslaught. "I mean, you're being forced to join the Dark Lord, and you won't lift a finger to stop it." It scoffed, gesturing with the arm that was marked. "Talk about no self-confidence. But then again, I'm not sure that it's much of a life worth saving...."

"Riddikulus!" Draco shouted, however he was still too distracted for the spell to have any effect. His nightmares carried on talking, as if he hadn't done anything.
"I mean, come one. You've got nothing outside of your so-called friends." It said, moving it's gaze to the horrified stares of the others in the room. It paused to study Harry, whose eyes never left the trembling form of his enemy. "You are nothing." Draco's head snapped up, turning around so it was now him that was facing the class, and the Boggart with its back to them. "You're as mindless and obedient as an attack dog."

"That's not ture.. " he mumbled.

"No? So tell me, Draco. What is it that you want? What do you dream about? What makes you unique? I mean, your clothes? That's Father. Your favourite ring? That's Father's. The subjects you take? That's Father." The creature spat Lucius' title viciously.


Okay so I have no clue how to separate these into chapters bc I'm uploading from my notes

I hope this is bareable 😅

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