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Leigh sat in the flat and smiled as she looked to Simon as he walked in and looked to her and smiled

"I can't believe that we are actually doing this" Leigh said as Simon asked over to her and smiled as he grabbed her by the waist and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

"I know. I know that's it's a lot and it's hard but I want you to know I am here and we are going to do this. We are going to have a baby and it's all going to be okay. We can do this I swear" he said as she looked to him and smiled.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him and smirked into the kiss and looked to him

"I know that things aren't easy but us moving in together it's a good steps for us and we're having a baby and I know it's hard but we can do this. We can make it work" Simon said as Leigh looked to him and smiled.

She knew that she had been through a lot and she knew how much she loved Simon and she loved that they were having a baby but she knew that it wasn't easy

Leigh got to work and smiled as she saw Aimee who walked over to her and smiled

"hey are you okay" Aimee asked as Leigh looked to her and smiled

"I'm okay, Simon and I moved in together and I don't know I mean I, pregnant and we moved in and I hate that it feels so rushed. It scares me" she said as Aimee looked to her And smiled

"I know it's hard and I know that you hate it but it will be okay, I know part of you hates the thought that it's not Tom by your side when you should be planning your future together but Tom would want you to be happy and so do I and so does Mia, you and Simon are good together and I can see just how happy that he makes you" Aimee said as Leigh looked to her and smiled.

Leigh knew that she was right and she knew that she had to stop thinking over tom and the what ifs she knew that things had happened for a reason and how she may not be with Simon if it wasn't for that.

Leigh knew that she had to focus on her future with Simon and their baby and making what they had work

Leigh smiled as she walked into the flat as she saw Simon with Mia, she knew Mia wasn't hers but she knew that she was good as and she knew that Simon and Mia were getting closer and how much he adored her

Leigh stood in the doorway as she looked to them as he sat reading a story. Leigh smiled as she rested a hand on her bump knowing what a good dad he was going to be

"you have a baby with Leigh Leigh" Mia asked

"I am"

"you be the baby's daddy?"

"I am" Simon said as Mia nodded

"my daddy is dead. Can you be my new daddy" Mia asked as Leigh frowned, Leigh felt her heart break for Mia knowing how she didn't understand

"you have a daddy he might not be here but you have one but I will always treat you like I am your daddy" Simon said as Leigh looked to them feeling emotional but once their family came could they be a happy family still?

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