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Today was the day, the day where my life comes to an end , the day where I will be tied to a man who I don't care about or love. my mum and friends were doing my makeup and fixing me up for the wedding which is taking place in the church and the wedding party was going to take place at our private house. 

"you look totally beautiful, am jealous " Tori said  "she has always been beautiful " Natalie said smiling , I looked at myself and I was indeed beautiful but not happy like a normal bride should be. " okay you guys can stop commenting her the limo is here to take you to the church so all of you out so I can talk to my sweetie pie" , my mum said pointing towards the door and the all left. "you look beautiful sweetie" my mum said about to cry, " mum please don't cry you can always visit me in Madrid it's just a flight away " I said to my mum to stop her from crying " I know am sorry we have to let you marry Xavier , I know you wanted to be with Nathan but the Mariano's came faster than the Kress , am sorry baby" she said now crying and I began to cry to we hugged each and started crying the more, " okay you guys know we have to be there in not less than an hour " my dad said entering the room and smiling at me and my mum , my mum left but not before smacking my dad on the head , my mum and dad never act like the say mafia marriage are .    

my dad took me down stairs and we entered the limo , we arrived the church and the wedding bells began to ring , my dad was walking me towards the alter we reached the alter but before my dad left he said in a very low tune no one could hear " show him while you are called Xenovia Trianor " he said to me smiled and kissed my cheek and left and sat near my mum on the front chair, the wedding ceremony began.    

" DO you Mr. Xavier Mariano take Mrs. Xenovia Trianor to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health for better for good " the pastor said and Xavier said " I do " he said smiling at me , am going to wipe that smile off his face , he dosen'nt know who he is dealing with, " so Mrs. Xenovia Trainor do you take....." "I do " I could'nt go through that same saying over again , " but ma I did not finish the vows " "and does the vows matter " I said looking at him with my intimidating voice " off course's fine I pronouce you both husband and wife you may now kiss " the pastor said and Xavier moved close to my lips to kiss but I left the alter and walked towards my dad I could see how angry Xavier was " not every wedding that needs a kiss am I not right daddy " I said looking at my dad and he looked at me nodding and smiling " anything for my baby girl " my dad said and I smiled hugging him almost about to cry " okay it's time for the couple to dress up for there wedding party " Mr. Mariano said and my friends came to excort me to my dress booth.          

We were on our way to the party and I looked beautiful, now I why Freya and Natalie are sisters the are designer expert I looked at my self and wow



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I came downstairs and entered the limo and saw Xavier and I shouted " what the fuck do you think you are doing in here " I said looking at him " this is a wedding party for us both so we need to arrive together understand gatita " he said calling me that word again " how many time do I have to tell you not to try anything couple with me this marriage is only for my family that's all " I said " do you know what I do to girl with those kind of mouths of yours " and how do I care what you do it is none of my fucking business so back off asshole " I said but before I could say anything he placed his lips on me and I finally realized my self and pushed him away with a slap but he was smirking " that was the alter kiss gatita " he said but before I could fight him back the limo door was open and I saw Ace stretching his hand for me to take and come down.    

" you guys have arrived your destination " Ace said bringing me down and I came down " you look beautiful " Ace said smiling " thank you " I said returning the smile " we all know she is beautiful Ace let her be " Xavier said putting his hand over me and leading me inside , once we entered every one welcomed us and congratulated us on our marriage,  then my eyes went over to Nathan the guy I wanted to see at the alter , the guy I wanted to say I do too but I could not because I belong to some one I do not love " common let me introduce you to one of my business partner and friend " Xavier said leading me to no one other than Nathan we reached Nathan " hey bro you came " Xavier said hugging Nathan " well your father and Mr. Trainor invited me so I had to come " Nathan said looking at me " can I have a dance with your wife" Nathan asked Xavier and Xavier accepted and Nathan took me too the dance floor and placed his hand on me and we started to move in rhythm " am sorry I couldn't come sooner " he said looking at me " it's not your fault it was the whether that delayed you to come so am not angry " I said putting my head on his shoulder " we can continue being friends can't we " he said close to my ear which gave me a tingle " sure we are very good friend " I said sucking on his neck " I will always love you from now to the end and if he ever does anything I will kill that motherfucker " he said holding me tighter " I will also love you and even if we are not together you will still come first to me okay " I said and before I could say anything else I felt a strong pull from behind and I turned around to see Xavier " am sorry but the song is over " he said holding me close to me " oh really I did not notice see you next time Xavier you too honey pie " he said walking away but not before giving me a peck on my cheek. " What was that all about " Xavier asked " none of your business " I said and walked away.       

After every thing we left for the airport to go to  Madrid and we arrived at Madrid at exactly 8pm,  and we arrived the house and a maid approached me " hello Madam I am Mary and I'll show you to your room " she said and walked me to a door " madam this is Mr. Mariano's room " she said " can't I stay in a guest room " I asked " no ma if we let you stay in the guest room Mr. Mariano will kill me " she said " okay you can go " I said to her and she left and I entered the room and it was big beautiful and the bed looked soft to lye on.

 Mariano will kill me " she said " okay you can go " I said to her and she left and I entered the room and it was big beautiful and the bed looked soft to lye on

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and suddenly  a hand was wrapped around me.

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