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Oh. My. Word. 10k?! I'm in awe.

You know, had you told little 10 year old me that one day I'd fall in love with writing this hard, she wouldn't have believed you. More especially because she only joined that book club in the 4th grade in the first place, just to prove a point.

And today, ten thousand people have read, shared, and admire her work. I mean, I'm literally the diametric of the normal Wattpad writer. They plan their books out, have a posting schedule and everything else a normal, organized writer does. Kodwa mina, mina ngiyi phara nje😂😂😂. I literally write from the top of my head and the story plot, just depends on my mood on that day frankly.

But regardless of that, I love writing whole heartedly, I mean without it, I'd be disoriented. It's my serenity. So waking up to 10k readers honestly got me emotional. Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't do it for the fame or money. I'm honestly not in competition with anyone. So realizing that you guys enjoy the nonsense that comes out of my head 😂🥺❤️really, really makes me want to write more and more. And what makes all of this even that sentimental to me is, I get comments from different kinds of people from all around the world, asking when I'm publishing the next chapter. Do y'all understand that 50% of the book is in Zulu? 😂🥺And they still never miss that notification when I post a new chapter.

I'm honestly grateful for the support, the love and patience ❤️❤️you guys mean the world to me, I love you, and thank you! 🤍🤍

Zulu (3/3) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now