Chapter 25: Her Return

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"Send me everything so that I finalise it. Lastly-"

I'm cut off by my ringing phone.

"Okay, do that and we'll wrap up tomorrow."

He nods and ends the Skype meeting.

I close my laptop as I answer.

"Yaz angi joli nawe ukuthi ungangi phonela ngo 8 ebsuku." I joke.

"Hailee has been found." Sbusiso shocks me.

I shoot to my feet. "What?! Nini?! Kuphi?!"

"We are rushing to the airport now to meet her."

I scatter for my keys. "I'm on my way. Did you tell Nxumalo."

"He was the first person I called." he laughs. "I know he flew to the airport, sekafikile I'm sure."

I chuckle. "I'll see you soon."

"Slee!" I yell.

She comes down the stairs. "Yes?"

"Hailee has been found." I say with a giant smile.

She looks in shook before she can give me a small smile. "Oh great."

"We're going to the airport." I say turning, heading for the door.

"Uhm, I think I should stay behind."

I turn and give her a look of confusion.

"I mean, she is going to be surrounded by your entire family and most probably hers, at an airport no less. It's going to be too overwhelming for her you know?"

I nod repeatedly. "You're right." I say walking back to her.

I kiss her. "I'll be back soon okay?" I ask looking into her beautiful eyes, also taking in all her beautiful facial features.

She nods looking up at me. I kiss her once more. "I love you."

"I love you too." she smiles then looks away. I'm reminded of my departure, so I bid her farewell once more before I exit my residence.



I was just about to go to bed when I heard a knock at the door. On an private island.

My heart accelerates, because no one knows I'm here.

Another knock comes through and I remain silent as I reach for my gun as quietly as possible.

The door handle turns and I hear multiple footsteps. I have mastered the art of telling how many people are approaching by closely listening to their footsteps.

There's 2 of them.

I lean against the wall as my heart continues to beat outside my chest. I take a peek to see one of them searching the room next door aiming a gun.

I tightly hold mine and prepare to fire. I'm about to charge when I hear...

"Princess?!" one calls out.

Princess? They know I'm a princess?

"Are you here your majesty?" the second one asks.


"Shane?" I call out showing myself, causing them to turn to my direction.

I indeed see him with a protector from the castle standing in the living room.

I feel my eyes sting at disbelief. Are they really here?

"Princess." he says again as the protector places his gun away.

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