Chapter 21

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Greetings my extended family❤️. So I managed to write a chapter, a decade and a half later, I know. But don't kill me. Those of you who have me on WhatsApp have seen how crazy busy I am. 😂I literally go to work as a living zombie. But I try as best as I can balance out everything. Also, I just wanted to thank you guys for not going to my comments section and causing drama about when I'm updating 😂🙄. I literally have the most supportive fans ever❤️. Okay, but back to serious business, I have tried everything under the sun to get these chapters in the correct order, but nothing seems to be helpful. If you guys know how to help me, please do let me know, it would be much appreciated ❤️danko.


The drive back to the mansion is eerily quiet. Phiwe was still trying to process her father's words.

As they drive through the residential gates, they see a fleet of cars, obviously that belonged to the family.

The scene reminds Nxumalo of the day his mother died, when he and his brothers were summoned to the mansion, seeing the cars out in full. That never meant good news.

He already figures out that the family has now been told of Hailee's death. However, he notices that there are no Parker cars here, so he concludes they weren't told as yet. He just doesn't know why.

As Thomas parks the car and brings it to a halt, Nxumalo remains seated, with no intention of exiting the car.

"Daddy." she calls out. "We're here." she says.

Nxumalo looks down at her and gives a small forced smile. "Alright Princess."

He looks at Thomas through the rear-view mirror. Thomas nods at him, giving him the little push he needs.

They exit the car and make their way inside, where Phiwe finds her sisters, who are excited to see her, but she, not so much. She didn't want to leave her father's side. She couldn't.

"Go on princess." he encourages her.

She ignores him as she holds on to his hand tighter.

From a distance, Khayalethu sees Nxumalo squatting to Phiwe's height, telling her something. He brushes her arm up and down the kisses her hair as he stands. She looks upset, but decides to listen to her father is taken away by her sisters.

Khaya approaches his brother.

He stands next to him and they quietly watch the girls disappear into the house.

"Have you told her yet?" Khaya.

Nxumalo nods without looking at him.

Khaya firmly puts his hand on his shoulder. "Nginawe Nxumalo. You're not going to face anything alone ngikhona."

Those words almost make him emotional again as they hit him. He knew that Khaya will always have his back, but when he was a mess like he is right now, he needed that reassurance.

He looks down to collect himself briefly. He looks at him and smiles. "Ngiyabonga." he says, meaning those words.

Two elderly man approach them, along with Melusi.

"Bafo." Melusi.

"Bafo." Nxumalo.

"How are you holding up?"

He shakes his head while shrugging his shoulders. "My head is all over the place."

Melusi nods. "Yeah, I figured. Which is why I was thinking, ngihambe mina nabantu abadala siyom'landa."

Zulu (3/3) Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora