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| A few weeks later...

A couple of weeks had gone by since the prologue and the very first episode had officially been released, and needless to say, the nerves inside the studio that day had been sky high— and admittedly they just might've remained that way for a week or so after as well.

Much to your grateful surprise, the response had been incredibly positive so far, and much like your other webcomic which started your career, this new series also ended up taking off and gaining a big reading base in a very short time, quickly making its way onto the top ranking webcomic board this month

The intriguing storyline of the magical world, which also included hints towards an enemies to lovers trope between two male university students, combined with the fact that this webcomic was marked for a more mature audience as you had planned on challenging yourself with some more uncensored intimate scenes later on, really caught the interest of the public, and it was safe to say by now that everyone was anticipating the chapters to come

Everyone except the writer himself, as yet another scrapped episode plan ended up in the bin, shortly followed by a soft groan as you ran your fingers through your hair, eyes now staring at the once again blank page in front of you in utter defeat

Meanwhile, your friends briefly glanced up from the work they were doing on their monitors, eyeing their best friend with sympathy as they knew what that groan meant

Yoongi: Another scrapped episode Gguks?

You tore your gaze away from the monitor as you took off your blue light glasses, rubbing your eyes as a soft pout was present on your lips, nodding weakly as a response to his question whilst you fidgeted with the pen in your hands

Jungkook: I just think it could be better, I could-... I should do better, but at this point, I don't even know if I can hyung...

Hoseok: Hey don't be too hard on yourself now, what you make is more than amazing, and I bet all of those scrapped ideas were potential masterpieces of their own, give yourself the benefit of the doubt Gguk

A sigh left your lips as you flashed him a soft smile before shrugging lightly, knowing there might've been a glint of truth in his words, yet you couldn't help but doubt yourself because after all, what if you end up disappointing those who so enthusiastically support you?

Just then, the sound of the office door opening was heard as the newest member of your team walked in with a cheerful smile on his lips, having just returned from his late lunch break, earning a relieved sigh from Jimin as he looked over at him whilst speaking up

Jimin: Oh perfect timing Taehyung-sshi, could you please go whack some sense into our dear writer here?

This earned a warm and deep chuckle out of the mentioned male as he hung up his coat before calmly heading over to your side, probably already having been able to somewhat guess just what the problem might be

Taehyung: And why's that needed? Is a certain someone being too harsh on himself again?

You whined softly as he reached down and gently ruffled your hair, making you roll your eyes lightly as you muttered out a "Hey I'm still your boss, don't treat me like a kid"

Though that only earned yet another chuckle out of him as he simply just rolled his chair over to your side before taking a seat, glancing at the blank page you currently had up and then glanced back over at you with an all too knowing look on his face

Taehyung: Here again I see? Thankfully I came back before you emptied the bin, mind if I have a look at its content?

Jungkook: Do whatever you want I guess, you're not gonna find anything that's of actual use in there anyway...

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