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| 3 months later...

A relieved sigh left your lips once you finally got to press publish on the second to last episode for your webcomic; slightly stretching your sore limbs whilst attentively watching it load until the confirmation that the update had been posted successfully popped up on the screen, instantly making a content smile tug at your lips— a smile which soon grew even brighter as you were approached- and joined by none other than your lover whom gently caressed your back before leaning down to place a proud peck onto your cheek

Taehyung: You've worked hard petal—  ready to get going?

The older then gestured towards your university embroidered jacket which he had slung over his arm, and you nodded in confirmation before scurrying to shut off your computer and desktop light— a timid ''Thank you hyungie'' immediately leaving your lips when he lovingly helped you wear your jacket once you got up and stepped away from your desk; earning teasing gags and snickers from the rest of your team whom evidently had witnessed the obvious display of affection

Yoongi: There they go again, this office hasn't known peace ever since they started dating.

Hoseok: Oh please, the office lost its peace long before they started dating. I literally caught these two kissing back when—

In order to shut them up, you swiftly grabbed ahold of a plushie that was laying on the couch nearby before playfully throwing it their way whilst giggling softly, earning another fit of laughter from your friends including lover whom seemingly never had enough fun when it came to occasionally teasing you here and there

Jimin: Guys let's be a little nicer to the poor lovebirds for a second

Just as you were about to open your mouth and thank him for surprisingly taking your side for once, a mischievous grin slowly spread on his lips while he sipped his coffee and calmly leaned against Yoongi's desk

Jimin: —I mean we should be happy as long as they at least refrain from fucking in the office, right?

Another fit of laughter echoed inside the office as his bold words quickly earned a flusteredly piped out ''Jimin-sshi!'' while you flashed him a look of utter betrayal and disbelief, though he only stuck his tongue out at you teasingly before fist bumping Yoongi and Hoseok whom both nodded in approval to his remark

You huffed at them while crossing your arms and grumbling out a pouty ''Hire your best friends they said— it'll be fun they said...''; earning a warm chuckle out of Taehyung who wrapped his arm around you, bringing you in closer to himself before eventually leaning down to whisper something into your ear

Taehyung: —doesn't that sound kinda thrilling, hm?

His words instantly made your breath hitch slightly whilst your mind automatically began trailing off to the not-so-innocent visions it had given you— a bright crimson blush gradually forming on your cheeks as you timidly bit back a meek smile while the older looked down at you with a proud smirk tugging at his lips; something which yet again evidently didn't go unnoticed by your friends whom grimaced slightly at the sight

Hoseok: Kim Taehyung, just what did you tell Gguk to make him zone out into his own flustered bubble like this?

Jimin: ...I could literally bet money on that he just whispered something dirty to Jungkook.

Taehyung merely shrugged innocently before returning his full attention back to somewhat admiring you, and Yoongi rolled his eyes before nudging Jimin in an accusing manner

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