Chapter 8: Homecoming part 8

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The screen showed Toomes and the rest of his crew talking business with the shortage they had because they missed the truck. Mason pitched his plan to build the high altitude vacuum seal but Toomes angrily said no, again.

Toomes then goes into a little speech to the guys around him in a deathly calm voice, "Eight years, not a word from the feds, nothing from those; Halloween-costume-wearing bozos up there in Stark Tower or the freaks in that space station. And then all of a sudden, this little bastard in red tights shows up. And he thinks he can tear down everything I've built. Really?"

Jason: Just you wait asshole

Superman: We'll make sure there isn't a single one of your gun dealers in New York when this is over- he added

Toomes got up with a deadly glint in his eyes and stated how he was going to kill Spiderman. He was going to find him but was cut off by the new Shocker saying he found him and pointed to a TV showing Peter in his suit at the Washington monument.

The bus pulled up to Midtown High as the parents and guardians of the kids were there waiting for them as several pairs of parents seemed to be crying. "Mom!" Liz screamed as she ran into her mother's arms. Peter was wrapped up in the arms of a tearful May Parker as all the other families reunited.

Everyone smiled at the sad but also happy moment

The scene changed to the news report for the school from the beginning of the film talking about how the Midtown High Decathlon team won the national title before almost dying and being saved by Spiderman. One of the team members was shown in an interview saying how Flash screamed and there were lasers like a Bon Jovi concert.

The heroes laughed at the statement

Mr. Harrington was shown next saying how everyone was safe and that was what mattered. He also stated that he couldn't lose another student on a school trip again with his eyes downcast.

The heroes were happy to see that the teacher worry more of the students and felt sympathy.

The school news continued saying how a spider mania was sweeping the school at telling the student body that they needed to show their "Spider Spirit" to Peter's amusement as he walked down the hall.

Everyone was proud on how the people were saying nice things about Peter and how they were praising him. They just hope that it doesn't get to his head

Peter ran into Ned who was barely containing the urge to jump with excitement. Ned asked what it felt like to be famous when no one knew who he was. Peter said it was crazed, completely amazed by his new popularity.

Ned asked if they should tell everyone and Peter said no again and Ned relented saying they needed to go to class but Peter said he wasn't going to Ned's confusion. Peter said that he figured out how the Vulture was making weapons by stealing from Damage Control so if Peter finds him he can take him down.

The heroes were a little disappointed but understood that the safety of civilians are at stake

Ned protested that Peter couldn't go after the Vulture because they had a Spanish quiz.

Peter told Ned that he was most likely not coming back here because Tony was moving the Avengers upstate and when Peter brought the Vulture in but Ned cut him off asking if Peter wanted to be a high school dropout. Peter countered that he was way beyond high school level and began to leave only to be stopped by the Principal who told him to go to the office.

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