Chapter 1

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The day isn't half way through and you're already exhausted. Working for Mr. Williams as his personal assistant seems to be one of your biggest regrets. You can't help but wonder why you took the job in the first place but then remembered the juicy salary you were being paid. Hence you couldn't complain even if you wanted to.

The intercom buzzed as you stretched your body, a sign of being summoned yet again.
'Miss Johnson, get to my office now' your boss called for you with a clipped tone.
You entered his office which was opposite yours to be welcomed with a heap of files.
'I expect these documents to be proof read and submitted before the close of the day' he ordered.
'But sir, these are a lot and I don't think I'll be able to -'
'What am I paying you for? Unless you want to be without a job, you had better get started on them Miss Johnson'
'Yes sir'

By the time you were done, it was past 10pm and you knew you had missed the bus. Meanwhile Mr. Williams had already left the building. Your boss happens to be the sole heir and CEO of Davies Enterprises and a young age of 25. He's an arrogant pompous ass who looks down on almost everyone. He's a workaholic and perfectionist who works his staff like donkeys and doesn't care about anything and anyone else as long as he has his way. Let's not forget his stinky temper too.
At this point you wished you could quit because your stress level was to the roof.

You packed up and walked at the bus stop to wait for a taxi. You could walk home but you didn't find it safe and didn't want to take the risk. Besides, you were too tired to walk anyway. In about 5 minutes you spotted a taxi and flagged it down. When you got to your apartment you drew yourself a bath to soothe your aching muscles and ended up falling asleep in it thinking of what to do with your life.

A shrill sound woke you from you sleep and you lazily got out of the tub. You checked the time and realised you were already running late so you quickly did your morning routine and oicked out an outfit. You decided on a black pencil skirt, turquoise blouse and black pumps. You had no time to makeup so you just applied powder, mascara and eyeliner. You had no time to deal with your unruly kinky hair so you tied it into a messy but presentable bun with a few tendrils framing your face. You coated your lips with a fruity gloss and dashed out to work. Luck, however, was not on your side. You ended up in heavy traffic and you knew you were in trouble.

An hour and half later, you got to work and ran to the elevator. You hit the button of the last floor which houses the offices of the CEO, the CFO and you. Mr. Williams had a meeting scheduled for 8:30am with some investors and you were required to be presence. You checked your time and it was 9:45am. You said a silent prayer right before the elevator doors opened. You came face to face with Mr. Williams and the investors and had your eyes opened wide in panic. You politely greeted them and your boss made an excuse for your absence during the meeting. They left and your boss walked to your desk.

'Miss Johnson, I do not appreciate tardiness and would not tolerate it from the likes of you. This is your final warning' he began walking away and stopped.

'Oh and as a punishment, your salary for the month will be slashed into half. Get to work.'
You sighed and took your seat. Soon enough, it was lunch time and thankfully Mr Williams had no extra work for you. You headed to the company cafeteria and ordered for a plate of jollof (a popular West African Rice made from rice and tomato stew) and grilled chicken. One of the perks of working at Davies industries was that it had the best of everything, especially the food. You always looked forward to lunch because of the delicious meals on the menu.

Your tummy rumbled loudly as you received your food and you bent your head to hide the blush on your face from the embarrassment. For some reason, you had lost appetite and forced yourself to eat as much as you can which was less than half of the meal. You returned to your desk and slaved the day away. Since there was no extra work, you decided to leave early today. You cleared you desk and entered the elevator leading to the main entrance. However, something unexpected happened. Right in the middle of the lobby you fainted and landed in the floor with a thud. The receptionist quickly ran to check on you phoned an ambulance.

You woke up feeling very light headed. According to the doctor, you were too stressed and it was affected your health. Your blood pressure had shot up and you had severe anaemia. You sat in the hospital bed and after hours of thinking, you decided. You were going to quit your job and leave the country for a fresh start. You had saved enough money after all. With that you fell into a deep slumber.

This is my first attempt at a fanfic so it may be cringe worthy. Either way, thank you for your support and I hope you like it!

Till next time! #borahae💜💜💜
Mi Hwa🌹

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