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It's been 3 days since you were discharged from the hospital and you felt much better. Your little sister, Michelle, came to stay with you to make sure you ate and not skipped meals. She returned to her house today leaving you all alone and bored at home.

After hours of watching meaningless shows on tv, you grabbed a notepad and pen and decided to make plans for your move. By evening, you had a solid plan of what you wanted to do; places you wanted to visit and decided to take a walk after which you showered and went to bed, ready to face the next day.

You reported to work on time with a spring in your step. You felt happy with the decision you were about to take and it lightened your mood. Mr. Williams welcomed you back and of course, gave you a heap of files to start working on.

You made sure you work swiftly because you had no intention of returning to the office tomorrow. By lunch, you were half way done and decided to 'drop the bomb' before going to the cafeteria. You knocked on Mr. Williams door and entered.

He was focused on his computer and didn't hear anything you said till you placed the white envelope before him. He paused and sat back slowly with a cold gaze straight at you.
'What is this?' He asked. 'It's my resignation. I will not be returning to this office starting tomorrow' I replied. He kept staring at you like he was looking deep into your soul, a tactic he uses to intimidate people but you stood your ground and stared right back.

'Why? Why do you want to leave? Do you need a raise? Is that it, Miss Johnson?'
'No, I don't need a raise. I have chosen to leave because this environment is too toxic for me and I'd rather not have another health flare up. Thank you for your guidance as my boss and I wish you well.'
You walked out with an air of confidence straight to the cafeteria to get lunch. You bought the most expensive and tastiest dish on the menu as a goodbye treat. Soon enough, the day had come to an end and you bade your farewell to your colleagues and headed for your apartment.

For the first time in a long time, you had gotten off work early so you decided to make the most of your time. After changing into casual clothes you hailed a cab to the biggest book shop in Accra to purchase art supplies. What people didn't know was that aside your 9 - 5 job, you drew/painted for a living.

From an ant leg to a flower garden to the most magnificent building, just name it and it will be done. You made money from selling your artwork. You especially liked to design clothes and sold your designs to some of the big fashion houses in Ghana. That is how you have been able to save money enough to tour the world.

You planned on moving to Korea since it was at the top of your bucket list. Ever since you were a little girl, you developed immense love for South Korea stemming from Kdramas. Your first Kdrama was Full House and you were hooked since then. You indulged in Kpop and got sold. You listen to a lot of groups and solo artists but your favourite has and will always be BTS. Their music changed you and gave you a new perspective at life. So yes, you're moving to Korea for a year.

Racquel POV
In 2 days, I leave for South Korea. I can feel the excitement running through my veins. My childhood dream is coming to past. I spent the past month sorting out accomodation, visa and other essentials and finally booked your ticket. I already had my backs packed and moved to my parents house to spend time with them before leaving. I helped mum with her store and we cooked today whenever we were home.

Today is the day I take another step towards my dreams. Going to Korea to see and experience all the places I saw in dramas was a major reason for my move but the most important reason is to pursue my dream as a fashion designer. Korea happens to be the fashion capital of Asia and I wish to get the opportunity to work with some of the big names over there.

I got on the plane and sat in my seat which was a window seat, my favourite since I get to watch the clouds. I was watching people get in and suddenly heard a deep voice ask 'Is anyone seated here?' I turned my heard to see one of the most handsome men you've ever seen. I stuttered 'N-No' and he took a seat after placing his bag in the overheard compartment.

'Hi, I'm Baekhyun.' He extended his arm for a handshake. 'Racquel' I replied. We spoke to each other for a while. Hours into the flight, I started reading one of my favourite books after take off and eventually dozed off. Baekhyun woke me up when we were about to land. We arrived at Incheon Airport at daytime. We exchanged numbers before exiting the plane and going our separate ways. And that's how I made my first friend in Korea. The journey had already started on a good note. I hailed a cab to my apartment which was in the heart of Seoul. Quite expensive but who cares, yolo right? I was too tired from jet lag to start unpacking so I went straight to bed making a mental note to unpack later in the day.

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Till next time! #borahae💜💜💜
Mi Hwa🌹

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