Chapter Two:Leaving the Guild

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When I got to my apartment it was 8:25pm, I packed my stuff in my suitcase and I decided to go back to the guild at 11:00pm because that is when everyone goes home.

I set of from my apartments to the guild hall, when i got to the guild hall no-one was there so I went to masters office, he was there with a lot of paper work.

Lucy:"hey master can I ask you a question?"I said quietly but he still heard.
Master:"yes, go on my child"
Lucy:"i.... i ..want to quite the guild"

I shouted, it echoed across the room, master was shocked of what I said, his eyes widen. About a couple of seconds later he calmed down and said.

Master:"why do you want to quite the guild?"
Lucy:"it is because Natsu kicked me out the team, most of the guild has stopped talking to me since Lisanna came back and I can't stand it, so please please can I quite the guild."
Master:"ok but will you return and should I tell the guild?"
Lucy:"I will return and you can tell the people who still care about me."

He removed my guild mark from my hand and I said thank you and left his office but when I was about to shut the door I heard him say "be safe, fairy tail is your home forever and always". when I heard him say that I felt tears grew in my eyes and by that I left the guild.

Fairy Tail:Lucy the Dragon PrincessUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum