Chapter eight: the boy and the girl part 3

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Masters POV•
Laxus came into my office with Guildart and Mystogon.
"I told them what happened on the way." Laxus said.
"Ok" I replied.
"So what do you want to talk about?" Asked the girl.
"well for starters, my name is Luke and this is my sister Lola" said Luke ( the boy in case you didn't know)
"Well Luke" said guildart, who seemed to remember who these people are from the past,"my name is guildart and this person that is covering his face is mystogon, this blond guy is Laxus and the old man there is Master Makarov." Guildart finally answered.
Luke face seemed mortified of what he heard. He turned to me and said " grandpa..?"
I nodded my head slowly.
"W....W..WHAT!?" Shouted Laxus.
After a few minutes he calmed dowm. " Wait, so are these people my cousins or something ?" Laxus asked.
I simply replied yes.
" You also have one more cousin and that is Lucy." Luke said.
" Wait, so you tell me that Lucy is my cousin.., then what is she to you ?" Laxus asked.
" Well she is my sister, my twin sister"
Luke replied.
"Wait!" Said Lola,"your memories probably got played with just like Lucy, here let me fix it." And by that Lola said a spell which made Laxus have his memories with Lucy, Luke and Lola again.


I am so so so sorry that I didn't upload my story. This pasted year alot of stuff has happened to me, so thats why I didn't upload anything.

By the way YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY 27k Have read my story. Who actually likes this story it a bunch of garbage
I wrote this when I was 11 or something, and I thought I was the best writer in the world, which is obviously wrong. 😓
But anyway I am really happy with how many people have read my story.
Just to let you know
Anyway... Stay intuned for the next update....... Which would probably be next year 😅. Jks
But you never know. Anyways I'm out .

~ Farida

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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