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Matthew 22:26-29.
                      To start from verse number 23, we could see, the Sadducees were too fleshy. they knew nothing. They didn't know the difference between flesh and Spirit. They thought we will be the same after the resurrection. So the answer Jesus gave them discharged some two words, one was THE WORD OF GOD and the other was THE POWER OF GOD. The power of God is the HOLY SPIRIT. Meaning these two words work together. Now, We can't Deceive ourselves by saying we are righteous but don't have the spirit and vice versa. They move together and do everything together. Planting a mango seed will not grow to bear a mango seed but of a different form. It is the spirit that will take us to heaven if only we have righteousness. Prayer is nothing without righteousness. Prayers don't take us to heaven. What is therefore left for us, what is left for is to

1. Know the Word of God
2. Know the Power of God
So Jesus Christ said, "You are in error"
We can only be in error if we don't study the word of God every day. This is because is only the word of God that can lead us to the truth. Not knowing the truth means you are living an Error life. You can't live in truth if you don't know it. You can't repair a phone if you don't know how to do it. The word and the spirit are one in all. The Sadducees were only thinking of the desires of the flesh. They read the word but don't study, they are not like the Bereans. The word is not in them. This should be a warning to us that, we shouldn't let worldly things be our focus but righteousness and the Holy Spirit. Marriage is not in heaven, Money is not in heaven, Prayers are not in heaven, We don't pray in heaven, There's no job in heaven. Only Righteousness/Holiness and the Holy Spirit can be found in Heaven. So if you don't have these two words working within you then I'm sorry you will miss heaven.
Therefore, let it be a target


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