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Psalm 94:12.....

I always say pain is merely a passage to a miracle. We human beings deserve to be discipline. In the Sight of Man is very painful but in the Sight of God is a blessing to us. Such a great love. We need to be discipline because we are not blameless. We have got married to sin and sin is walking us down the isle. In time of this disciplineship, he teaches us his knowledge of understanding. What is therefore left for us as believers? Ours is to accept this and learn to obey. So Job said it in (Job 5:17) that, "Blessed is the one whom God corrects". The question we should ask is, Why will someone correct you if you are correct or not at fault? Correction existed because of wrong or mistakes. It is time to accept that , we are at fault and start to accept the correction of God. King Solomon realized his mistakes and warn us not to resent God, rebuke and despise his discipline either. Why are they saying we shouldn't despise God correction. It is because it has a blessing at the end, a blessing that leads to heaven. You see, God does not discipline us with evil. So you need to understand well the type of discipline he is talking about. Again, HEBREWS 12:5-6 also talks a lot on this. He discipline us because of Love. To conclude the type of discipline, see 1 Peter 1:6-7.

Thank you

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