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GENESIS 32:22-31
2 TIMOTHY 4:1-5
LUKE 18:1-8

What is just if I may ask, in our dictionary, it means accurate, faultless, fair-mindedness. About Jacob matter, he hold on unto the angel and said to the angel, I won't let you go unless you bless me. Meaning if we hold unto God, if we hold unto the word of God firmy like how Jacob did, God will never forsake us with his blessings. You see, it is always good to do your best for God to do the rest. Jacob did his best and God did everything. It is therefore advisable to do everything with our best in the lord and God will never forsake us. Whatever you find yourself doing , do it best in the lord. Now about the scripture LUKE. The widow never gave up going to the judge for justice. Now let's take Jesus as the Judge. You see , is very bad to give up on God. Keep on going to God for help, keep on seeking God, doing that means you are doing your part and I tell you God will do the rest. Let God know that you need him in your life. Worry him everyday but never forget to listen to what he says. Listening to what he says will be a justice for you.  There's always mercy in his NO and grace in his YES. A jealous God yet he forbids sin. The internationally recognize internal intern.
Go to him always let him know how serious you are to follow him, hold his word firmly and he will never forgake you.

Thank you and Stay bless.

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