Page 6- Thoughts

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After Jay left the audience was left to think. Many has their head filled with questions, emotions and comments on what they had saw.

Bakugou was actually quiet for once, to busy wondering what the hell this was to start up one of his usual yelling performance. He was angry.. but also confused. If he was honest with himself he was also worried. Of course for multiple reasons however, like the fact apparently Deku had friends through out middle school. It doesn't make sense to him.. we'll except the other quirkless loser. The others though, they had pretty good quirks and if they knew Deku in middle school then they knew of him too- the dumbass could never stop talking about him.

What made him confused however is why they wouldn't want to ditch Deku for him. He's obviously the better option and if they knew about him they would know that too.

Thinking a bit more he came to a conclusion, they were faking. In all honesty it's the only thing that makes sense. Plus he's been working on his "behavior" and while he doesn't want to, he think he's fine, that doesn't change the fact that he's better now. Before him would have been mad (and he still is) but now him is just seeing the truth. He would just have to get those extras away. Then he could show them only he has the right to fuck with his head.

Mina was focused on a complete different point. Midoriya had a boyfriend, well.. two. The pieces were finally connecting. She thought about the suspicious behavior, the knowing looks, the crushing, and now the new information, they were dating Midoriya.

But how would that work..? She already knew about polyamory so that wasn't the problem. The big question was how did she not know?! Are Kiri and Kami also dating or just Izuku? How were they able to keep a whole relationship away from her?

They've been pretty obvious in this reaction room but have they always been this obvious? She was confused but at least she had found a solid answer to her previous search.

Shigaraki was surprised to say the least. Apparently the hero brat smoked and was a drinker. He was friends with what hero's would call "criminals." He had been thinking this kid was just a stuck up brat but the way things are turning out that's probably not true.

Kaminari was conflicted. Sure he knew his boyfriend didn't have the best influences growing up, Izuku had told him that himself, but he didn't like the way this was going. He knew Izuku was one for drinking, he knew, but he also can't help but be worried for the other boy.

Kirishima was also in a conflicted state. As he said before he lives and trust Izu with all his heart. That doesn't stop him from worrying though. Throughput the time he's been dating Izu he's learned a few things, some of which he had to find out himself. He figures Izuku doesn't have the best home life and whenever Izu's not staying at a friends house he'll invite the boy to his. Though despite his worry's he's glad Izu has good friends.

Aizawa didn't know how to feel about Problem child's friends. While he was glad the kid had some other then the kids who were known as the "dekusquad" he didn't know if they were the best influences. He decided to leave the boys friend choices alone in the end however because at least he has good people in his life.

Another worrying aspect to Aizawa was the fact it was stated the kid "grew up around alcohol." He's suspecting the kinda parents to be toxic, though still not sure if their physically abusive. While he is worried about his problem child he's not his kid, y̶e̶t̶.

(This is a really short chapter but I'm writing this in class. This chapters main point is just to give a better understanding of what's going on through some of the characters heads... Should I make more of these chapters? If so they would most likely have some dekusquad members.)

MHA Reacts to Izuku "Deku" Midoriya Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu