Chapter 6

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At her return home, Molly found Mathew practising his violin in the living room.

"Welcome back, how was it?" he asked clearing some space.

"Great but your sister has a lot of energy," she replied deflating on the sofa.

"Ah, sorry about her, she hasn't ever gone out with other girls like normal people do, and for reasons you know she is not fond of going out either," he said apologetically.

"It's fine, it was fun," reassured Molly. "Anyway, have you been practising all day?"

"Yes, I can't get rusty especially since I'll be training to be qualified to perform in a couple of months."

"Right, well April asked me to be her nanny since hers gave in her resignation after getting pregnant yesterday."

"Really? That's great! It will be great for April to be able to leave Brandon with family too." he said pleased.

"You mean a friend of the family, I'm not exactly family."

"But you are family," he insisted. "Besides it might be official one day." he shrugged before leaving to put his things away.

"Might be official one day? What was that supposed to mean?" wondered Molly who just sat there blankly.

While Molly tried to figure out the meaning of Mathew's words, April came back to find Brandon and Mike sleeping on the sofa and felt her heart warm as a smile graced her face.

How cute!

Not disturbing Mike who had been working a lot after the album's release, she picked up Brandon delicately and brought him to his room.

"Sweet dreams," she whispered softly before leaving the room and going to wash her hands.

Back in the living room, she found Mike only now waking up his drowsy mumbling and movements making her heart swell.

"Had a nice nap?" she asked sitting and placing his head on her lap.

"Mn, did you put Brandon in bed," he mumbled his eyes half-closed.

"I did," she said softly.

"Right, how was your day?" he asked finally opening his eyes and staring right into hers.

"It was fun, I never thought that going out with girls could be so fun," she replied smiling brightly.

"I'm glad to hear that." he smiled.

"How was your day?"

"Fine. We played a lot, and I made the arrangements for the wedding so all that's left is to get married."

"Wow married in a week, we barely got engaged." she joked.

"True, I never did give you an engagement ring."

"It's fine, the important is that we are happy together," she said leaning down to kiss him.

"Mn, so who's invited?"

"Family and close friends, not Summer though." she declared.

"Really? We're just friends," he argued.

"To me, it doesn't seem like she thinks the same," she said making him sigh and sit up.

"April, no matter who shows affection for me, you're the only one for me I promise," he reassured. "However, if it will make you feel better, I won't invite her."

"Now you're making me feel bad." she pouted.

"Hey, I'm fine with anything."

"Alright, well we can invite her, but she can't be too clingy." she gave in making him smile.

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