Chapter 7

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"Are you sure you should be moving around so much?" wondered Heather as she watched Molly who was already seven months into her pregnancy choose baby clothes.

"For the thousandth time I'm fine Heather." she sighed. "Why is everyone so overprotective?" she complained.

"Because it's your first child and we're all excited and anxious."

"I know, I know, but enough about me, how are things with Eric?"

"Fine, same as usual, although he has been a bit weird recently."

"How so?"

"He's just been distant, but nothing major, I'm probably overreacting." she brushed off.

"It better be nothing, or he'll have to deal with me, then April." she threatened.

"Not sure which one is better." laughed Heather.

After shopping for way more things that I a baby would need, Heather sent Molly home to Mathew before leaving.

"Had a good day?" he asked kissing her forehead.

"Yeah, but now my feet hurt," she complained just as he came to massage her feet.

"We can't have that," he said massaging her feet in the way she loved.

"You're the best." she smiled. "Oh, by the way, Heather said Eric's been weird, has anything happened?"

"Not that I know of, he hasn't been acting weird to me."

"Huh, maybe it was nothing then," she said before there were frantic knocks on the door.

"Stay here," said Mathew who got up from the floor to answer the door only to find Heather on their doorstep. "Heather?" he said surprised getting Molly's attention.

"Hey, sorry for coming so suddenly," she said shifting.

"Don't be, coming in," he said stepping aside to let her in.

"Heather, what's wrong?" asked Molly worried as she beckoned her to come to sit with her.

"Nothing really, I just..." she trailed off looking conflicted.

"You just what?" she asked nervously.

"He proposed." she blurted out shocking them both.

"He did!? Congratulation!" said Molly excited and happy before she saw how Heather wasn't as happy or excited as her.

"Mn," she replied passively.

"And?" she asked worried again.

"I told him I needed time to think." she sighed. "I should have been happy, but I just freezed up and got scared," she said angry at herself as her face fell into her hands.

"Oh, Heather, it's okay." soothed Molly as she stroked her back.

"Why did I do that? It's not like I don't want to marry him," said Heather distressed.

"Maybe you're not ready, in any case, we're not stressing about it tonight, so make yourself at home." simply said, Molly.

"Alright, thank you, and sorry for imposing."

"Don't be, you're always welcome," reassured Mathew. "I'll talk with Eric."

"Thank you."

Soothed for the night, Heather was able to think more clearly.

She really did love Eric and wanted to marry him, but her fear outweighed her happiness. She didn't think she could still fear taking a step further with someone she had been with for years now, but she guessed everyone experienced a similar fear, and even though she didn't like to bring it up at all, she had a past she didn't want to repeat.

"Heather, you know Eric will never hurt you, right?"

"I know Molly, I just got scared of the idea of marriage. I know it's irrational, but I fear ending up like my mother," she admitted saddening Molly.

"I know, but you're not the same person you used to be, and neither is your mother. All of us have grown and changed." she pointed out. "It will be okay, I'm sure he will listen to your worries and not make light of them too. Besides, if he doesn't you are surrounded by people that will never let you down." she declared confidently making Heather smile reassured.

"You're right, thanks, Molly."

"No need, I just want you to be happy."

After being reassured by Molly and having time to think, Heather returned home to Eric who was very understanding and even apologised for springing it on her.

"I'm sorry, if you're not ready I can wait, I'll always wait for you, Heather. You don't need to force yourself," he said warming her heart.

"Don't be sorry, I just needed time to think rationally, I was scared that I might end up like my mother if I took this step with you, but Molly helped me see things clearly again," she admitted embarrassed.

"I see, well I guess it's only natural you would have that fear, but I swear I will do my best to treat you well," he swore his gaze determined and his grip on her hands firm.

"I know you will, I'll gladly marry you, Eric." she beamed sealing the promise with a kiss.

With the matter settled, they agreed to hold the wedding after Molly gave birth, so after they waited about two months for Molly to give birth to a healthy baby boy she named David, Heather said 'I do' surrounded by her family and friends.

Their happiness was hard-earned, but the end result was worth it, and if they had to do it again, they would. Molly would never regret moving to be with her lovely husband and having her two boys, and Heather could now look on her past without the same pain she once felt thinking about it. As for April, she was grateful for her trials in life, it made her stronger and wiser than she ever was.

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