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"complete confusion and disorder; a state in which behavior and events are not controlled by anything"


I don't think there's any other way of describing what is happening other than that: chaos.

Flashback to the morning


Ugh I hate waking up to the sound of the alarm! And it's so difficult to turn it off! Instead of using my smartphone perhaps I should buy one of those old alarm clocks that appear in books and movies so I can just throw it or punch it.

Anyways won't let my alarm ruin my day. It's a good day today, I got this cool new gloves to show the guys... they'll love em! Besides they look really badass and Gwi-nam might see them and- STOP! Brain, stop right there, alright? Why would I care if he sees them? Why would I care if I catch his attention? I DONT CARE! Yes, I don't care about his pretty face looking at me mhm.

I'm ruined.

Third person POV

Y/N gets out of bed slowly, rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes and dragging her feet to the bathroom.

She washes her face, does her necessities, fixes her hair and puts on light makeup, and stares at her image in the mirrors reflection.

After putting on her uniform she glances at the first drawer of her bedside table. Y/N opens it and pulls out a boy's school tie. She holds it in her hand and rolls her thumb over the fabric.


-Here you go-
Y/N stretches her arm in the boy's direction holding his tie and urging him to take it.

-...keep it- he mumbles.

-Huh? What did you say?-


-Oh! Alright man calm down...- Y/N had her eyes wide open while she stared in surprise at the guy in front of her.

-But why?- Y/N couldn't finish her sentence.

He clicked his tongue and walked away.

-Gwi-nam you are so... weird- she said while watching the boy walk away.

End of flashback

Y/N takes off her bow and puts the tie on instead.

When she sees herself in the mirror her chest starts to feel strange, for some reason Y/N's heart is beating rapidly.

-Cute- she whispers.

Y/N goes to the kitchen and prepares herself breakfast.

Closing the door behind her she heads to the parking lot.

-MY BABY~! Did you miss mommy?- She says to her motorbike while starting the engine.

With a loud -VROOM- of her baby Y/N leaves to school.

She passes by Na-yeon who waves at her and asks for a ride. Y/N doesn't even look her way and acts as if she didn't notice.

With that beast of a motorbike Y/N arrived early. While she parked her motorbike she saw Su-hyeok coming from the direction of the abandoned building.


Why would he go there?
Is he hanging out with the bullies again? He said he wouldn't, that he wasn't like that anymore.
I'll go ask him.

-HEY! Dumbass!-
Oh he saw me! He seems pissed off, is it because I called him dumbass?

It's difficult to catch up to him gosh he walks so fast!

THE BEGINNING OF THE END - YOON GWI-NAM x READERWhere stories live. Discover now