The dining hall catastrophe

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"a momentous tragic event ranging from extreme misfortune to utter overthrow or ruin"

Su-hyeok POV

The ambulance left with Hyeon-ju. She was acting so strange I hope she recovers. I wonder what happened to her...

-Go back to the classroom. Let's go-

You don't have to ask me twice! I'll rush upstairs I need to see Y/N I hope she is okay, she might be the strongest person I know so I'm not that worried though. I'm sure Y/N has a lot of questions, I'll make sure to let her know everything I saw.

On-jo is walking besides me, I almost forgot she was there. Right! She got hurt.

-Are you okay? Were you bit?- I ask her, honestly concerned. Not only for her health but because I hope what Hyeon-ju has isn't contagious... I wouldn't want Y/N to go through that...

-No, it's just a scratch- she says looking at me.

-You didn't get hurt anywhere else?-

She nods in response.

She wanted to tell me something in the rooftop right? I wanted to hang out with Y/N and the guys after lunch... I'll ask her to tell me now.

-Hey. Why did you want to see me on the rooftop?-

-What?- she looks kind of startled by my question.

-You said to come up after lunch-

She looked at me without saying anything.

-Can you just tell me now? I'm hanging out with my friends after lunch- I hope I didn't sound rude, but saying it here isn't different right? After all we are the only ones out of the classroom right now.

She looks around, I think she wants to make sure nobody is around. Then her hand moves to one of her pockets. She pulls something out and stretches her arm towards me with her fist closed.

-What is it?-

She extends her arm again. I guess she won't say it so I'll just grab it like she wants me to.




And I like Y/N anyways...

-Hey. This means... you want to go out- please say it means something else or that you want me to give it to Cheong-san.

-Yes- She nods.

Oh no.

-You're going out with Cheong-san- Right? I mean they are always together and it's obvious Cheong-san likes her I thought they were in a relationship...

-No. I'm not- she says kind of surprised by my statement.

-We've lived next door ever since we were kids, so his mom always gives us chicken... I do like chicken-

That reminded me of Y/N saying she is in love with food haha.

I don't want to hurt On-Jo's feelings but even right now the only thing I can think about is Y/N.

-Okay- I say. What do I do? How do I reject her?

-But not him- she quickly adds.

-I see...but- I was going to tell her I like someone else but Cheong-san appeared and interrupted me.

-On-jo!- there he comes running. I'm sure he loves her... This is so awkward... Cheong-san one of my closest friends...

THE BEGINNING OF THE END - YOON GWI-NAM x READEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora