What would you do to survive?

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"continue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship"


People I've known, people I've worked with, I've laughed with...fighting for their lives.

Friends, classmates, turning into bloodlust creatures.

I'm so scared. I'm trembling, trying to keep any sound to come out of my mouth and to control my shaking which I'm scared might be heard.

My friends... Gyeong-su, Su-hyeok, Cheong-san... I wonder if they are okay. I just hope next time I see them... I don't have to run away from them.

I am brought back to reality when a student that hasn't turned into a zombie tries to hide under the table Gwi-nam and I are in.

Gwi-nam doesn't want to let him hide with us. He whispers-screams angrily that there isn't enough space. I'm so shocked I can't even talk. So I move. I leave my place in front of Gwi-nam and the student sits there instead.

I planned on staying in the middle of the table but it's too cramped. I lock eyes with Gwi-nam, he looks so scared, it reminds me of that night... I shouldn't think about it now.

He opens his legs. I shift around and sit between them. My back rested in his chest. I feel him breathe in my neck. And the unsteady rising and falling of his chest as he still tries to calm down and catch his breath. We don't say anything, there is no need. He wraps an arm around me protectively hugging me from behind and pushing me closer to him. I start to calm down, soothed by his heartbeat.

The screams are dying down. More students are hiding below the tables. A few zombies walk around. Every time I see the legs of one walk past our table my breathing stop, I fear they might hear my every heartbeat.

I think about my future. Will I die here? I don't want to. Then I won't. But what if the situation gets worse? What if all the city is infected? I want to call my parents. They will be worried. I want to survive. I HAVE to survive.

A million thoughts run through my head.

We have to get out of here. There is no way we can survive by staying under this table.

I turn to look at Gwi-nam, then I look towards the window. He nods. He knows what we have to do.

Su-hyeok POV

In the middle of this hell I frantically look for Y/N.

She had left our table with Cheong-san just before all this started.

I'm worried for her. And him. And my friends. And everyone. And me. I have to survive. I can't die here. I have to find Y/N.

That's when I see him.


He doesn't hear me, he is crawling out a window after using a table to get to it.

Might Y/N be outside too? She was with Cheong-san so she must be.

I get to the window after fighting off some flesh eating classmates. And crawl out.

There's some zombies left and right. So I run through a little alleyway in the middle. It leads me to the school entrance. I can't see Cheong-san. But I know where he is headed; our classroom. I'm sure everyone will try to get there, if I go, I'll definitely find Y/N.

After fending off some zombies I find a way to get to our classroom. A ladder.

I climb it as fast as I can as I see zombies approaching. I'll be dead if they take it down before I reach the class window.

THE BEGINNING OF THE END - YOON GWI-NAM x READERWhere stories live. Discover now