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They couldn't believe it. The doll is moving-- no -- alive. Just like all of the paintings and sculptures that they've seen so far. But she didn't seem to attack them, Garry thought. She was smiling at them, seemingly friendly.

"Hey... are you just going to stand there?" The doll pouted. "I'm not going to kill you guys. Even if I can, I wouldn't. I can't stand killing people and dooming them into this gallery."

But how could they trust her? Sure, she speaks that she was no harm, but...

Her eyes fell focus on the brunette girl that was gripping tightly on the male's sleeve. "Hey, Ib, right?" The girl reluctantly nodded. "Come here, please? I won't hurt you, I'm just going to show you a magic trick."

Ib looked at Garry, who reluctantly nodded. Taking a deep breath, she started to inch forward to the doll, earning a smile from her. Once she was in front of her, she gestured her to give her hand to the doll, which she complied.

"See...? I'm not a bad guy." The doll smiled kindly. "Watch this." She closed her eyes, and a spark of light appeared, a flower crown of red in her petite fingers, placing it gently on the girl's head.

A gasp escaped Mary's lips. She didn't know her big sis can do magic... She can only be a ghost figure...thingy.

Garry, however, was a different story altogether. He was scared, yes, but his heart softened at the smile that adorned the doll's face when she saw the smile thay reached Ib's face when she placed the flower crown on her brown tresses. Unlike when he saw her the first time, her eyes looked like it was full of life, happiness brimming in those shining orbs. If he didn't know better, he would consider her a living person.

"Don't worry, you're safe here. You could rest easy now." Placing her fingers on the red-eyed girl's shoulder, she smiled kindly. "If you want to, I would gladly escort you to escape this gallary," her eyes glanced at the blonde girl, and her smile widened, "all of you."

"B-but... your leg..." Mary whimphered. She was worried- that her sister might hurt herself- and happy- because she was getting out, and her sister is going to help. "...y-you can't walk with it..."

A amused giggle echoed the room, from the doll. "Don't worry... father fixed it." She then struggled to stand up, with Ib's assistance.

Father? "Who's... father?" Garry questioned curiously. Her eyes narrowed at him.

"The one who created... no... murdered me." She answered sullenly. "My stepfather, Weiss Guertena."

A shock gasp. Why would he kill his own daughter?! Stepdaughter, but still, that's horrid! "I...I'm sorry." The purple headed man apologized. "That must be horrible."

The doll shook her head, still frowning. "It's fine... he was just... blinded by his own creations." She perked up, and her beaming smile came back in full force. "So, what are your names? I'm [Name]."

[Name]... "My name is Garry. This is Mary, and I'm sure you know Ib." Garry gestured to himself and the girls with a smile. [Name] nodded in acknowledgement, and slowly made it near Garry and Mary, with some help of the nine-year-old brunette.

"Almost there..." The doll mumbled determinedly. With only meters left in distance, she accidently tripped on her own feet, eyes going wide. In reflex, the purple haired man caught her just in time, her face colliding in his chest. She looked up to him.

He smiled to her, "Do be careful next time, okay?" A small blush settled on her face, and a pout formed.

"It's my first time to walk in years..." She explained, "...but I will, Garry." Chiming, she beamed up at him. His name rolled off her tongue smoothly, like she was used to say it.

"Ib! Mary! We're going now!" Garry called. His hand held the petite, yet cold hands of the doll's, yet it looks like he wasn't bothered by it.

"Coming!" Mary said, then she took Ib's hand. "Let's go, Ib!"

With her sister in her side, her escape will be a success.

But who will be left a l o n e?

A voice whispered on the doll's and the painting's ear, making them stop on their tracks.

Will it be the b l u e, who's loyalty is given to his friends? Or will it be r e d, who's heart full of innocence and purity?

[Name]'s breath hitched, as the all-too familliar voice echoed in her ear.

Or...will it be b l a c k, who's world is tainted along with her heart?

Choose well... dear daughter.

[Episode 4: Safe End]

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