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You examined the solid object. It looks a little heavy, but you can still move it slightly with little force. The hole, only two steps away from the triangular object, looked suspiciously similar to it. Of course, it's THAT simple, isn't it? You sighed. This puzzle is for kids. You tried to move the object with your feet, but your injury made itself known to you and shot pain to your nerves. Oh, right. You can feel pain now, apparently. Whatever witchcraft happened to you, it sucked. It just reminded you of how you ended up in this stupid gallery that takes people's lives. You glared at the object, berating yourself at your uselessness.

"What are you doing?" Garry approached you with curious eyes. You continued trying to move the stupid object, but failed by your weak attempts. In anger, you kicked it as hard as you could, but to no avail. Only sharp pain came to you, along with the thump of the object being knocked over. A yelp of pain erupted from your body, alerting the male beside you. "Hey, be careful! You're still injured!" He supported your body from falling down not-so gracefully, and eyed the object that you knocked over and the hole. "Here, let me get that for you."

Your eyes widened suddenly. "No, I should be doing that." You won't allow yourself to be useless once again. You have to do something in return! But despite your statement, Garry still guided you to sit down at the floor.

"Don't worry, I can handle it." And he did. In just a few movements, the triangular object was in the hole, and the door clicked. And you only managed to knock it over. Gee, be the useless female in this story, why don't you.

...Why are you even having these stupid thoughts? You're a freaking doll. You are just a thing that- you know what? You won't ever think again. Screw negative thoughts, you're going positive.

"See? I told you I can..." Garry turned to you, only to find you glaring at the purple floor, with a aura of self-loathing. Before he could ask what was wrong, you immediately shot him a smile that was so blindingly fake.

"Oh I'm okay. I'm really fine! Don't worry about me!" You stood up with a little effort, and cheered internally that you actually did it by yourself. The words "stay positive" kept repeating through your head. You can even feel the negativity slip away from your mind!

The male looked at you confusedly, "You're acting very strange... are you sure you're alright, [Name]?" He offered a hand, which you took.

You shot him a slightly more reassuring and... well, not so fake smile. "Yeah, I'm just feeling a bit... moody I guess." And I also have slight depression since I'm a useless idiot. You thought in your head, looking at your right while doing so. It seemed to have worked, since Garry smiled back and began leading you towards the unlocked door.

You felt his grip around your hand tighten. "Well, whatever it is you want to say outloud, you can always say it to me, then." You looked at him confusedly. How did he know...? He looked back at you. "Let's just say I have a few... experiences when it came to moody people."


Aren't you just lucky to have a understanding guy by your side.

The rest of the walk was mostly silent, but you sort of have a light conversation with the purple headed man. Apparently, his hair was always like that-- much to his annoyance to his other eye --ever since he was a child. His mother and father has some sort of trend around them about flowers and their hair, both of their hair colors were the color crimson and blue. So what happened to his hair?

A upside down purple rose.

So THAT'S why it looks like a purple seaweed or something on the top of his head. It did make sense, but it's also quite hilarious. You snorted, trying not to laugh, but ultimately failed. You began laughing like it was the greatest thing you've heard in a long time; and perhaps it is. Garry seemed a bit flustered, but laughed along too. At least your spirits are up, normally this far into the gallery breaks a person's sanity.

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