Chapter 2- Getting settled in

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You got up in the morning and began brushing your teeth. You got ready for the day and decided to go out and explore. While waiting for a bus you notice a random number that popped up in your messages. The message sent said "hey it's me mark I got your phone number off of Ethan if you ever need anything just let me know". You smiled as you changed the random number to mark in your phone. You got on the bus and travel to a nice looking grocery store. You  walked inside and as You were looking for (your favorite snack) you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You jumped a little bit being surprised but when You turned around you saw mark. " sorry didn't mean to spoke ya" mark said with a gentle voice while smiling. "No no it's completely fine I just didn't expect to see you here" you replied with. "Is there anything specific your looking for?" Mark asks. You nodded  while saying "yea I'm looking for (your favorite snack) and I was wondering if this store has it" "yea follow me" mark reply's with. You walked with him while he took me to the part of the store with (your favorite food). "Here you go y/n" mark says. You reached up trying to grab the item except You were to short. The shelves are higher up than the ones at your home town. Mark seen You were struggling and grabbed the item for me. You thanked him and you guys chatted for a minute. After you were done you both walked around the store shopping. Mark showed me some nice food items and other stuff the store had to offer. You and him shopped for 30 minutes until you guys decided to check out. After you guys were done yall both said goodbye and parted ways. When You were about to get on the bus You noticed a shopping mall not to far away. You walked away from the bus and started walking to the mall. Since the mall wasn't to far it wasn't very hard to get there. After arriving You walked inside and looked around in shock. It is so much bigger than the one from your home town. You began walking around the food court trying samples and ended up buying a bubble tea. You decided not to get any food and to just look around. You walked into bath and body works and bought some perfume. After that You went to my favorite clothing store and picked out a few cute outfits. After You were done You walked back to the bus stop. You got on the bus and went home. After arriving You locked your apartment doors behind you and grabbed your computer. You looked for job listings but it just seemed like no one was hiring. You decided to watch some YouTube after looking for a long time. After a while You cooked dinner and got ready for bed. You fell asleep listening to your favorite songs.

(Sorry about this chapter being pretty boring I didn't have very many ideas I'll. Make another chapter tmr.)

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