Chapter 3-The invitation

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You woke up to a phone call. It was mark. You answered being a little grumpy. "Hey I was wondering if you wanted to maybe stay the night over at my place? I think it would be fun." Mark says thru the phone. You got excited in your chest but in a tired tone you reply with "sure that will be fun." Mark must have noticed your tone of voice because he then says "you sound pretty tired did I wake you up?" "Yea but don't worry about it" you reply with. After talking for a little bit you end the call. You and mark decided on netting up for lunch at 12:00 it was now 9:00. You got up and made some breakfast. You had (food of your choice) and played on your phone for an hour. After that you got up and started getting ready you decided to put on a casual outfit

 After that you got up and started getting ready you decided to put on a casual outfit

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After brushing your hair and getting ready you leave. (It is now 11:20) after arriving to the cafe you sit at the bus stop for a few minutes. You then decided to go inside. You see mark sitting at a table so you join him. "I like your outfit" mark says "thank you" you reply with. After a few minutes of talking you guys order some food and a drink. You got (drink of choice) while mark got a coffee and a few minutes later the drink arrives. Mark was about to take a drink when he spilled the coffee all over himself. "God dammit" mark says while you laugh a little. Mark leaves to go to the bathroom to clean up. While he is in the bathroom you clean off his seat for him. He comes back and apologizes. You guys talk for an hour before deciding to go to marks place. When you arrive you look at the inside in shock. It was super big and spacious. It was like a small home. After a little bit of chatting you guys decide to play a video game. You guys play a 2 player game and surprisingly you are super good at the game and you have just started playing. You beat mark multiple times. After a while you guys chill and do stuff together. As the sun sets mark asks you to follow him. Mark shows you the guest room. "Here is where your sleeping for the night." You place your stuff down and decide to change into sweats for the night. You tied your sweatpants and tucked your shirt into them. As you walk out you notice mark looking you up and down. When he notices that you know he was looking at you he hurry's up and looks away. After a few hours you decide to sleep. You go to bed and dream about mark and how your staying at his house. When you wake up you go out to the kitchen and see that mark is not awake yet. You make breakfast and decided to give mark breakfast in bed. When you woke him up he looked surprised but was super happy that you made him breakfast in bed. He happily ate the food. When mark got out of bed you noticed that he didn't have a shirt on. You couldn't help bot notice that he was very muscular. You end up walking out of the room for him to change and you also needed to change. You ended up changing into a cute outfit. You got ready to spend the rest of the day with mark.

(Sorry for the late chapter I had some family issues now this one was probably cringy but hey at least I made a another chapter lol)

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